Proximity Rule

Proximity Rule


The Proximity Rule wizard will create a rule that detects if a target gets within a specified distance of another target within the selected area. It also checks for the selected classification. If the rule is broken then an alarm will be raised and a camera tasked to follow the target.


Configuring the Wizard

  1. Choose the Proximity Rule type:


  2. Select a New Area (in green) or an existing Area (in white).


  3. A New Area has been selected. This will automatically create a new area entitled “New Area” under the folder Areas in the configuration tree. This area can be edited and moved once the wizard has been completed.


  4. On the second page of the Wizard, you can configure additional properties. By default, the settings below are configured. These settings can be amended at a later date by editing the rule.


  5. This is the resulting proximity rule:



Track Sighting Input Rule Inputs | Track Sighting Input


Classification Check Rule Checks | Classification Check

This checks the classification of the target, for example, a vehicle.

Proximity Check Rule Checks | Proximity Check

A check can be added if a target is within a certain distance of a given area.


Boolean Link: And Rule Checks | Boolean Link

In this example, And has been selected. This means that each of the checks will need to be satisfied for the Actions to proceed.


Alarm Rule Actions | Alarm

This will sound an alarm if the Proximity area is is approached. The Priority and Severity of the alarm can also be configured; for example, in a highly sensitive area then you may want the highest threat level to be set. By default it is set to Medium Threat.

Camera Rule Actions | Camera

This will set a camera to keep following the target after the condition clears.

PPI Example



In this video we show you how to create and edit a Proximity Rule with a new Proximity Area. Using the Playback Track feature, two tracks are shown breaking the Proximity Rule. An alarm is raised and a camera tasked to follow the target:

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