Rule Schedules

Rule Schedules


The page covers the purpose and creation of Rule Schedules.



Rule Schedules organise rules into specific time periods, and enable/disable them according to these time periods. Rule Schedules mean single or multiple rules can be enabled or disabled automatically.


In order to create or configure a Rule Schedule:

  1. Select a rule, then select Schedules in the Configuration Panel.


  2. The Edit Rule Schedules window will appear. Any pre-existing Rule Schedules will be listed in the table. Select a Rule Schedule to view it's details.

  3. Select Edit, then either select a pre-exisiting Rule Schedule to re-configure, or select Add to create a new Rule Schedule.


  4. The configuration options are:


    Description: The name of the rule schedule.

    Condition: There is a drop down list including some pre-configured times.

    Begin/End Date: The period between which the schedule will occur, in days.

    Start/Finish Time: To the near second, the time at which the schedule will start and end.

    Repeat: If, and how often, the schedule will repeat. There is a drop down list of Once, daily, Weekly, Monthly to choose from.

    Operation: Inside or outside of the specified time period.

    Enabled: Select to enable the schedule.

    Where Used: This dialogue box will show which of the rules employ this schedule.

  5. A schedule can also be imported from an external file:


  6. Select Save to commit any changes. Select Remove to delete the Rule Schedule.

  7. Next, select the rule to be scheduled. Select Edit, and open the Rule Editor.

  8. Drag a Schedule Check into the workflow, and embed within the rule. Remember to add a Time Input.


  9. In the Schedule Check properties, select a Schedule from the available schedules. Because Enabled is selected, the rule will only be enabled during the selected schedule's time period. If Enabled wasn't selected, the rule would be enabled outside of the schedule's time period, and disabled within the schedule's time period. Select Save to finish adding the rule schedule to the rule, and repeat for any additional rules as desired.


  10. Once a rule includes a rule schedule, the rule schedule will identify the rule in the Where Used info box, and the rule schedule cannot be removed.

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