Engineer - Factory

Engineer - Factory


Factory settings required for calibrating radar are available to you to view. There are two sections that you can see; Configuration and Profile.

These are mentioned in more detail here: https://navtechradar.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PROD/pages/2269904897/Admin+-+Factory#Configuration and https://navtechradar.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PROD/pages/2269904897/Admin+-+Factory#Profile.




There is only one setting in Configuration that you can edit:

Range in Bins: The total number of measurements taken for each azimuth sample. The calculated range of radar is Range Resolution x Range in Bins. Bins are individual cells measured by radars and the bin size must be rounded to the nearest 8 bins.

You can set the bins manually but you can also set the value to 0 which forces the bins to revert to the default value for the chosen radar model:

  1. Set the Range in Bins to 0.

  2. Click Apply.

  3. Click Commit Changes.

  4. Click off the page (change page) then back again and the default value should now be displayed.


Show All Settings: If this check box is selected then the options available for the engineer to view increases:

There is another option which may be available to you:

Profile: These are preset profiles that can be applied to the configuration. If the radar is an Industrial Automation CIR model, then you can change the profile to one displayed within the drop-down box:

Bandwidth Warnings

Vertex uses the configuration settings that you can adjust to estimate an output data rate for the radar.

A maximum reasonable bandwidth is set at 100Mb/s.

If you define a configuration that yields an output data rate of greater than 60% of this maximum (e.g. 60Mb/s), Vertex will display an Advisory message, informing you of the estimated output data rate and the potential consequences:

If you define a configuration that yields an output data rate greater than 80% of the maximum (e.g. 80Mb/s), Vertex will display a Warning dialog, again informing you of the output data rate and the possible consequences:

You may also encounter similar Advisory and Warning dialogs on the Radar Configuration Page.

Related Information