4. Using the Vertex Interface

4. Using the Vertex Interface


The ClearWay Radar sensor has a built in web interface (known as Vertex) which provides default user level access to the radar.

Vertex allows you to view various operational data (e.g. IP address, serial number, System Uptime and Radar health, etc.) as soon as it opens, however, to make any changes you will need to Login.

This page provides links to the main Vertex documentation.



On this page:

When first connecting, ensure there is nothing else on the network that is using the same IP address. If necessary, connect a computer directly to the Ethernet port of the radar unit and access Vertex directly in order to change the IP address.

For further details:

To Access the Vertex Interface

To access the Vertex interface please refer to these instructions: Vertex User Guide | Accessing the Radar Interface.

You should now see the Vertex interface Status page: For more information regarding the Status page please refer to: Vertex User Guide | Status Page.

Using the Log Viewer

The radar stores a record of activities in order to assist diagnostics. Due to memory restrictions, newer entries will overwrite the oldest and so the log does not retain all historical information.

Vertex User Guide | Log Viewer gives more information about using the Log Viewer.

Viewing Radar Data

Vertex User Guide | Radar Data provides information about viewing the Radar Data.

Logging in to Vertex

In order to change any radar details, you first need to login to Vertex.

Please refer to Login | User Login to Vertex to login to Vertex.

Changing the IP Address(es)

Once you are logged in it is then possible to change System Configuration details, such as the radar sensor’s own IP address, its Subnet Mask, the Gateway IP address and/or the NTP (Network Time Protocol - where the sensor should derive its time information) address. The System Configuration details are discussed here: User - System Configuration | System Configuration.

To change these details please refer to the this documentation Changing the Configuration.

If you changed the IP Address, you will need to use the new address to make contact once again with the sensor.

Further Vertex Information

Additional information regarding Vertex can be viewed in the Vertex User Guide