User - Radar Data
This page displays a snapshot of the radar data. It also provides the capability for you to add and remove sectors when using Sector Blanking.
Radar Data
The radar data displays a snapshot of the raw radar data for a complete rotation.
Sector Blanking
Often, it is not necessary for the radar to collect data from the whole disk, and this would also save bandwidth. Therefore, we have included functionality which can add a sector, or sectors to the radar data snapshot which do not send back data. You are able to configure up to 8 of these sectors. To do this, please follow the following steps:
Enable the Blanking Mode in the Radar Configuration screen. Please refer to this page for information regarding this option: User - Radar Configuration.
This will enable the Add Sector button:
Click the Add Sector button to add a blank sector to the screen:
You can adjust the placement of the sector by clicking on it (which outlines the selected sector in blue) and using your mouse-wheel. Scrolling up moves it clockwise, and scrolling down moves it anticlockwise:
Once it is in the desired spot, you can also change the size of the sector by holding down Alt and using your mouse-wheel to increase or decrease the size of the sector:
If you need to add more sectors then repeat steps 3 to 5.
If you wish to remove a sector then click the Remove Sector Button:
When you are happy with your sectors click the Save Sectors button:
Once you have saved the sectors you will need to reboot the system:
After the reboot you will need to login and click the Refresh button to see the changes:
To edit an existing sector, click the sector to select it and use your mouse-wheel to adjust the placement, and holding down Alt while using your mouse-wheel to adjust the size of the segment. Then repeat steps 8 to 10.
Radar Data Menu
Refresh: Select the Refresh button to reload the image with the latest radar data. This can take a few seconds to pull the data from the radar and render it in the browser.
Reset: This will reset the radar data area to the permanently saved Radar Data
Add Sector: This will add a sector.
Remove Sector: This option will remove the selected sector.
Save Sectors: This will save the sectors.
Cancel: This will cancel any changes made.