This page covers how to log in and out of Vertex.
User Login to Vertex
Once you have accessed the radar interface as described here: Vertex User Guide | Accessing the Radar Interface, you will be able to login to the system:
Click the Login button highlighted in pink below:
This will open the Login dialogue:
Enter your Name and Password and click Login (see the table below for the default password):
You will then be logged into the system, and the main Status screen will be displayed:
The Vertex pages have been configured to show tooltips to aid the operator. To enable these simply hover your mouse over a field that is editable or simply press Ctrl+Q:
Default Password
Radar firmware version 2.x | Radar Firmware version 3.x |
Username: user (all lower case) | Username: user (all lower case) |
Password: Navtech. (including the capital ‘N’ and the full stop) | Password: Navtech User (including capital ‘N' & 'U’) |
To logout of Vertex, click the Logout button:
Related Information
Vertex User Guide (Products)
Firmware Control and Upgrade (Products)
Changing the Configuration (Products)
Login (Products)
Engineer (Products)
User - Radar Data (Products)
User - Radar Hardware (Products)
User - Radar Configuration (Products)
Standard User (Products)
4. Using the Vertex Interface (Products)