4.1 Dismounting the Radar Sensor

4.1 Dismounting the Radar Sensor


This is the procedure for dismounting the radar when a replacement is required.


4.1 Dismounting the Radar Sensor

  1. Disconnect the radar 24VDC power supply in the junction box.

  2. Remove the cables at the radar itself; twist each connector anti-clockwise, in turn.
    CAUTION: Ensure you are twisting the connector and not the cable gland on the back of the connector.

  3. Remove the bolts holding the radar to the radar bracket.

  4. Carefully lift the radar clear of the bracket.
    IMPORTANT: Take care not to alter the position of the lower mounting nuts. This will ensure that the radar will return to its previously commissioned position when re-mounted.
    Failure to do this could mean radar will not perform as expected and may require re-commissioning.

  5. Protect the ends of the power and data cables to prevent water getting inside them whilst disconnected from the radar.
    CARE POINT: The radar sensor weighs approximately 6Kg, so please take all necessary precautions when lifting.

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