CTS Series v2 Service Guide - Serial No's: 1 to 1021

CTS Series v2 Service Guide - Serial No's: 1 to 1021


This manual describes the maintenance and service procedures for the Navtech Radar CTS350x radar sensors.

Before performing any maintenance task ensure you are aware of Health & Safety procedures - see Health & Safety

General Maintenance

Cleaning of the external surfaces of the radar is only required during normal operation if there is a build-up of loose materials on the housing. This might include heavy dust/ soil deposits, snow or other materials to block the radar field of view.

Service intervals

The mechanical drive belt is designed to operate continually for 5 years. To avoid in-service failures preventative servicing as detailed in this guide should be carried at least every 5 years. Please contact Navtech Radar customer support for further information. The servicing procedures can usually be carried out on site. Once access is gained to the radar and with experience the operation takes roughly 30 minutes per sensor to remove and replace the drive assembly.

At the same service interval, the radome assembly (and its attachment to the mounting bracket) should be inspected for signs of degradation, exterior damage or any issues that may lead to a failure of the unit or pose a safety risk to the public or service/ maintenance  personnel.

Any issues observed should be reported to the relevant authorities within your organisation.


Navtech Radar Ltd offer comprehensive support services both pre and post radar commissioning to ensure you get the best performance and support for your radar installation.

Navtech Radar Ltd have a dedicated Customer Services Support Centre that can offer 1st and 2nd line technical support for both hardware and software queries. The centre is staffed by a highly skilled technical team who can advise and offer support with any technical questions both pre and post commissioning. In the event a fault cannot be diagnosed remotely or a repair is required, the team can arrange for your radar to be returned to base for further diagnostic tests or repair.

Navtech Radar Ltd also offer a number of support plan options during the lifetime of your radar, offering peace of mind for your installation.

For further information on the support plan options or any technical questions please contact the Customer Services Support Centre on:
Tel: +44 (0) 1235 832419, or email via at support@navtechradar.com


On this page:



For servicing the unit should be turned off using the 'Shipping - Halt' shutdown process available once logged into the radar via Vertex under the 'Action' menu at the top of the screen.

The radar unit uses a MicroSD Memory card for operational functions. These memory devices can suffer corruption if power is removed unexpectedly during key operational stages of use.

Users are warned that once power is applied to the unit it should not be removed within the first 2 minutes of power on, in order to allow the system to complete its boot cycle.

In addition, power to the unit should not be removed during or for 30 seconds after firmware upgrades or configuration changes made from within Vertex.