River boat data in ASTERIX Cat 240 format

River boat data in ASTERIX Cat 240 format

As well as producing radar output in the colossus network protocol, Navtech Radars can be configured to produce a radar video output in ASTERIX Cat 240 format, as described on this page.

The network-capture recordings below are in pcap format and can be played back with a packet replay tool such as this one.

These recordings were made from a radar mounted onboard a vessel making a passage along the Swan River in Perth, Australia. Simultaneous Lat / Lon and heading data was recorded from a GPS device, enabling the radar data to be overlaid on a map, with heading corrected to North from GPS.

In the recording, the vessel passed underneath a bridge, and various static landmarks such as posts and a jetty, these can be seen in the radar image.

Radar range

600 m

Radar update rate

4 Hz

Range resolution

0.175 m

Angular resolution


Beamwidth (azimuth x elevation)

2° x 4° non-cosecant

GPS header


GPS update rate

1 Hz


  File Modified

File CAT240_with_gps3.rpi

Jan 10, 2024 by John Marshall

File 21DecSwanRiverGarratBridgeUpstream.pcap

Jan 10, 2024 by John Marshall

Multimedia File 20231221_111335_GarratBridgeUpstream.mp4

Jan 10, 2024 by John Marshall


“21DecSwanRiverGarratBridgeUpstream.pcap” contains data from both the radar and GPS.

The radar data was sent from a radar to an address of on port 4378

The GPS data was sent from a device on to an address of on port 4000


To view the data in Cambridge Pixel SPX Server:

  1. Set your network card to fixed IP address

  2. Replay the .pcap file to your ethernet network port using Colasoft player

  3. From SPX Server, set the Radar network input to Port: 4378

  4. From SPX Server, set the Nav data network input to Port: 4000 (Alternatively, these addresses are pre-configured in the SPX Server config file available on the shared directory).

Raw radar data in CAT240 format.
Raw radar data (green) overlaid to a map based on GPS coordinates.