From moving road vehicle

The radar data below was acquired from a CIR radar mounted to the roof of a test vehicle, over a short circular route. Alongside the raw recorded radar data, footage from the vehicle’s dashcam is available to add context, along with a 1Hz domestic-grade GPS log of the journey.

Playing back the radar data as a TCP stream is done using using the playback utility.

To reduce file sizes for download, the radar’s field of view (range) was reduced for this sample dataset.

Below, In addition to raw recorded radar data, there is a zip file for download which includes a selection of ROS1 and ROS2 bag files for quick and easy playback within the ROS1/2 environment.

Radar Data and corresponding driver’s eye view (video)


  File Modified

Text File GPS_NMEA.txt

Feb 14, 2022 by John Marshall

File RadarData-_1_20210623095956722_4794FB.colraw 315 MB

Mar 09, 2022 by John Marshall

Multimedia File DashCamFootage.mp4 1550 MB

Mar 09, 2022 by John Marshall

ZIP Archive ROS2

Apr 25, 2022 by John Marshall

ZIP Archive

Apr 25, 2022 by John Marshall