Third-Party Research & Software

Third-Party Research & Software

This is a wiki page to capture web links to published customer work, including reports, papers, and code.


Sample Datasets

The Boreas Dataset (utoronto.ca)\

The Oxford Radar RobotCar Dataset (oxford-robotics-institute.github.io)

MulRan (google.com) MulRan: Multimodal Range Dataset for Urban Place Recognition

The Radar Doppler Dataset

https://data.fid-move.de/dataset/osdar23 - Open Sensor Data for Rail 2023


MUlti-SEnsor Semantic perception dataset - ETH Zurich https://muses.vision.ee.ethz.ch/

MOANA Dataset - a multi-radar dataset for unmanned surface vehicles! Radars could be key sensors when automating marine vehicles.

HeRCULES: Heterogeneous Radar Dataset in Complex Urban Environment for Multi-session Radar SLAM https://arxiv.org/abs/2502.01946


University of Toronto Homepage: ASRL // Autonomous Space Robotics Laboratory (utoronto.ca)

Homepage: Oxford Robotics Institute

Video: Navtech Radar Mapping demo 1 (under development) - YouTube

Video: IROS2021 - CFEAR Radarodometry - YouTube

Video: Navtech Radar SLAM v0.1 (KAIST03 MulRan dataset) - YouTube

Video: Woodland - Semi structured - YouTube

Video: Radar vs Lidar in the Fog (Heriot-Watt work) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8bfIoCEuMs

Video: Radar vs Lidar vs camera including some really low & bright sun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfxHXI_QL0g

HomePage: Orebro University Mobile Robots - AASS Mobile Robotics & Olfaction Lab - (oru.se)

IEEE International Conference on Radar Systems (RADAR 2022) IEEE Xplore - Conference Table of Contents

Satellite-derived time and position: a study of critical dependencies: Satellite-derived time and position: Blackett review - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

A New Wave in Robotics: Survey on Recent mmWave Radar Applications in Robotics

Northern Rail Trial for multi-sensor instrumentation on train 150136




Papers & Reports

Do We Need to Compensate for Motion Distortion and Doppler Effects in Spinning Radar Navigation? (Keenan Burnett, Angela P. Schoellig, Timothy D. Barfoot): 2011.03512.pdf (arxiv.org)

Article: Radar-based Navigation for All-weather Autonomous Driving | KAIST MatriX

Patent Link: GB2538421A - Systems and methods for predicting wave impacts with a watercraft, and watercraft control systems and methods - Google Patents (relates to the use of FMCW radar 70-110GHz range in predicting wave impacts to watercraft)

Millimetre wave radar signatures of sea lions -Millimetre wave radar signatures of sea lions | IET Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore


Satellite-derived time and position: a study of critical dependencies: Satellite-derived time and position: Blackett review - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

A New Wave in Robotics: Survey on Recent mmWave Radar Applications in Robotics

Use of mm-wave radar for coastal observations - Journal of Coastal Research
BELL, P. S.; WILLIAMS, J.J., CLARK, S., MORRIS, B.D. & VILA-CONCEJO A., 2003. Nested Radar
Systems for Remote Coastal Observations. Journal of Coastal Research, SI
Oceanographic (zen.co.uk)


Cell Averaging - Constant False Alarm Rate Detection in Radar - International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) - Vol5 Issue7 July2018


Radar-Only Off-Road Local Navigation Timothy Overbye and Srikanth Saripalli - 2310.17620 (arxiv.org)

Are Doppler Velocity Measurements Useful for Spinning Radar Odometry? (Daniil Lisus, Keenan Burnett, David J. Yoon, and Timothy D. Barfoot) https://arxiv.org/pdf/2404.01537

Radar Teach and Repeat: Architecture and Initial Field Testing Xinyuan Qiao*, Alexander Krawciw*, Sven Lilge, and Timothy D. Barfoot https://arxiv.org/pdf/2409.10491 and https://github.com/utiasASRL/vtr3 - (Navtech RAS3 radar mounted to Warthog mobile robot)

A New Wave in Robotics: Survey on Recent mmWave Radar Applications in Robotics - Kyle Harlow , Student Member, IEEE, Hyesu Jang , Student Member, IEEE, Timothy D. Barfoot , Fellow, IEEE, Ayoung Kim , Member, IEEE, Christoffer Heckman Senior Member, IEEE

Radar Fields: Frequency-Space Neural Scene Representations for FMCW Radar

David Borts, Erich Liang, Tim Brödermann, Andrea Ramazzina, Stefanie Walz, Edoardo Palladin,
Jipeng Sun, David Bruggemann, Christos Sakaridis, Luc Van Gool, Mario Bijelic, Felix Heide


Radar Fields: Frequency-Space Neural Scene Representations for FMCW Radar – Princeton Computing Imaging Lab

& Radar Fields: Frequency-Space Neural Scene Representations for FMCW Radar - Supplementary Information -

Radar Fields: Frequency-Space Neural Scene Representations for FMCW Radar
