Linux command-line tool to process the “raw” output from a radar using Cell-Averaging CFAR, followed by peak-finding subresolution to return the coordinates of the centre of a peak in radar return. Usage examples and syntax description here.
The peak-finding can operate in one dimension (“just” range, along each azimuth of data in turn, or can alternatively operate in both range and azimuth, to return a centre point in both range and bearing for a contiguous ‘blob’ of bins.
Tool to produce a TCP network stream of CA-CFAR filtered data
This application connects to a stream of FFT message output from a radar or playback.
The application listens to the Colossus type 30 messages in the stream and processes each azimuth of data in turn using a Cell-Averaging CFAR method. In order to easily view the output, the application produces a network stream of FFT messages, populated with the CA-CFAR filtered output.
By creating a standard colossus message output from this tool, existing visualisation tools can be used to view CA-CFAR filtered output from a radar, which can be particularly useful when identifying suitable CFAR parameters (window-size, number of guard-cells & delta-threshold) to be applied in order to achieve optimum results.
Linux command-line tool to process radar output from a 1D “Staring” radar, providing range-to-target values in units of metres. Details and use-examples here.
Windows command-line tool providing access to accelerometer, navigation mode output. The tool can also be used to change a radar’s range-gain & range-offset values and to configure the Navigation Mode parameters [threshold, bins, min bins, max peak and buffer mode]. Usage examples here.
Windows command-line tool providing access to, navigation mode output. The tool can be used to configure the Navigation Mode parameters [threshold, bins, min bins, max peak and buffer mode]. Usage examples here.
CPR to ColRaw converter
Windows command line tool to convert 3rd Party “CPR” radar data recordings back to Navtech Radar “ColRaw” recording format. Description here.
Bitbucket repository for C#, C++ & Python code examples as well as ROS radar drivers
Radar firmware. Contact to be sure this is the most recent release and to check that your radar hardware will support this release. Release notes here.
3rd Party Windows application to graphically view ASTERIX Cat240 radar video