Object detection from a small Vessel

The radar data below was collected from a CIR radar mounted on a 6.2m vessel passing various small hazards commonly found in marine environments. Objects such as a swimmer, kayaker and paddleboarder could be adequately resolved at ranges of up to 250m. Alongside the raw radar data, video footage was captured from both an onboard GoPro, and a drone flying overhead.

Playing back the radar data as a TCP stream can be carried out using the playback utility.

Detection of kayaker from up to 100m shown on raw radar data (top), with images taken from an onboard GoPro (bottom) at the same instances


Video demonstrating detection of kayaker from a vessel mounted radar at >250m





Approaching Kayak on left of Vessel


Approaching a Kayaker (LHS) and Paddleboarder (RHS)

  File Modified

File kayakL_and_PB_R_GPSIMU_2022-07-28_181117.NMEA

Sept 06, 2022 by Charlie Brown

Multimedia File GOPR0717- PB + Kayak_Trim.mp4

Sept 06, 2022 by Charlie Brown

Multimedia File DJI_0092.MP4

Sept 06, 2022 by Charlie Brown

File KayakLPBR-run3_1_20221114151107005_E2FEBC.colraw

Apr 11, 2023 by John Marshall


Approaching a Kayaker (LHS) and Swimmer (RHS)