ICD-001 Request Status Command

ICD-001 Request Status Command


This page covers the ICD-001 Request Status Command.


Request Status Example

<!--MsgId is the unique id of the message being sent --> <!--Type is an integer which depending on what bits are set, specifies which status data is required --> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RequestStatusCommand MsgTimeStamp="2019-02-01T12:14:01+00:00" MsgId="1" Type="3" xmlns="ICDNAV001-RequestStatusCommand.xsd"> <Sender SenderId="SenderId1" NetworkAddress="NetworkAddress1" NetworkPort="1" /> </RequestStatusCommand>

Request Status Command Element

The request status command provides the ability to request a ICD-001 Status Report from Witness. The command includes a filter option which allows external systems to request all status data or only specific data.

Request Status Command Attributes






Unique message Id


This must be globally unique across all message types 


Date and time that the message was sent



An integer which represents one or more status elements to request. Options are set by enabling bits in the integer as follows:

1 = SystemHealth - send all system health data

2 = SystemProfile - send the system profile status

4 = AreaStatus - send all the area status data


You need to use a bitwise operation to send the relevant integer to request the different status data. For example:

  • Value: 1 = Send only system health data (1)

  • Value: 3 = Send system health data AND system profile status (1 | 2)

  • Value: 7 = Send ALL status data (1 | 2 | 4)

A value of zero will be ignored and no data will be returned.

The Area Status data is filtered by default. This filter is a setting in the ICD-001 plugin configuration; see ICD-001 Plugin. On sites where there may be many areas and areas of different types i.e. Camera, Detection etc, then it may be desirable to filter the area type so the status message only contains the area types you are interested in.

Network Sender Element

Each incoming message can include an optional Sender element. This must include the IP address and port that the client is using to send instructions.

If the Sender element is included the NetworkAddress value will be checked against the subscriber IP address and the command rejected if they do not match. 

In addition the Sender element is included in the Command Reply. This is a duplicate of the incoming details (i.e. the subscribers IP address and port). The subscriber can use this to verify that they authored the message.

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