ICD-001 Message Reports

ICD-001 Message Reports


Message reports are XML documents transmitted and received by the Navtech software.


The primary report types are:

Track Report

 A track report contains information about all the targets currently bring tracked by all the sensors. The level of data contained within the report will depend on the tracking software being used; however, the structure of the report remains the same.

Track data will normally be broadcast as and when tracks are reported. So where the sensor is operating at 1Hz we would normally expect a track report every second. All targets currently being tracked will be included in the report.

If tracks are breaking rules, regardless of whether this is triggering an alarm or not, the track data includes details on the rules it has broken. Where alarms are being associated with track data then the track report will include relevant alarm data.

Alarm Report

An alarm report contains alarm data triggered as a result of track movement or behaviour which breaks one or more predefined rules. An alarm report differs from a track report in that it is only sent when an alarm occurs and although it can be initiated by multiple tracks only one instance of the alarm is generated. Alarm reports are typically associated with a specific area thereby alerting subscribers to one or more events happening in that area. 

Alarm reports are transmitted as and when they occur. An alarm report is issued when an alarm is activated and once again when it deactivates. The report carries the same data, including unique id, for both, but an active flag indicates whether it is an alarm on or off message.

In addition, all active and pending acknowledge alarms are sent whenever a client connects or reconnects. This ensures that a client connecting after an alarm has already been triggered will still have access to all the relevant messages.

Alarm reports would not normally be associated with any camera move commands because there could be more than one track responsible. However, subscribers can utilise the alarm data to activate their own visual monitoring such as pre-sets for the specified alarm area.

Status Report

A status report contains health and operating information about the system sensors and software. Summary status data can be sent automatically at regular intervals, when status of an reported items changes, i.e. a radar becoming unhealthy, or on request using a command message.

Status data is sent at regular intervals. The duration of the interval can be configured. Status data would normally be consolidated over the interval, thereby reducing unnecessary duplication of data. When requesting data, the report can be filtered to contain only data of interest. Please refer to the ICD-001 Request Status Command for more information.

Camera Report

A camera report contains information about camera movement. Normally the Navtech systems will pass commands to a PTZ camera directly, however these commands can be passed to consumers each time a camera is instructed to move in order to follow a target.

Camera reports are issued every time a camera is required to move. Camera commands are issued at regular intervals based on the speed at which the system receives target location updates from the tracking software and the Cyclops configuration.

These reports are typically used as an event message so 3rd party systems know when we are automatically moving PTZ cameras.

Heartbeat Report

A heart beat consists of only the message header with the correct message type set and no other content. The heartbeat is sent at regular intervals from Canary to all connected clients. This serves two purposes; firstly, it informs the clients that Canary is still alive and functioning and secondly it helps monitor the state of the client TCP connections. In the event of a client disconnecting the heartbeat message will fail and Canary will clean up the connection and dispose of any unused resources. 

In a situation where a client connection fails, the client is responsible for attempting to re-establish the link.

The heartbeat message can be used both by the server and the client. It is recommended that the client sends heartbeats to the Witness server but this is not mandatory. If the client does send heartbeats then the Witness system can be configured to raise an alarm if the client becomes disconnected. This will alert the Witness operator.

Size Classification Report

A size classification report contains information about track size classifications within configured highway sections. This report is unique to the Witness ClearWay™ application.

These reports contain information about the location, classification, average size, average speed and quantity of tracks passing through a specified section within the configurable report period. If no tracks have been processed the report will still be generated but will contain no classification data.

Carriageway Statistics Report

A carriageway statistics report contains information about the track count and average speed of the traffic across all highway road sections. This report is unique to the Witness ClearWay™ application.



Report Type


Transmission Schedule


Track Report

Track data including geo details if available

Regular transmission based  on the frequency of track reports from the tracking software.


Alarm Report

Alarm data, including type and trigger details

Transmitted on activation and deactivation of alarm. All active alarms are transmitted when a subscriber connects / re-connects.


Status Report

Status data about sensors, hardware and software, including the active system profile and all area status. Default status reports contain all data but filtered reports can be requested via a command

Basic data and heartbeats are sent regularly whilst the system is operable. More complex status data is sent on connection, periodically based on a configured schedule and available on request.


Heartbeat Report


Used to indicate that the Management Server is still communicating and also to check that the TCP client  connections are alive.


Camera Report

Camera and camera move commands

Transmitted whenever a camera is instructed to move. Camera movement intervals are controlled by the Camera Controller.


Size Classification Report

Size Classification data including classification, average size, average speed, total tracks and location

Regular transmission based on the frequency specified in Size Classification plugin.


Carriageway Statistics Report

Carriageway section traffic statistics, vehicle count and average speed

Regular transmission based on the frequency configured in the ICD-001 plugin

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