Carriageway Queries

Carriageway Queries


The carriageway queries provide details about the traffic moving through the highway, This includes statistics which are broken down per section, and also the data gathered using the Traffic Analysis plugin. This feature captures detailed traffic data based on pre-configured classes of vehicles, including a count and average speed per class. The Traffic Analysis can be considered the equivalent of loops in terms of the data gathered.


Carriageway Statistics

This query calculates average speed (mph or m/s) and average traffic density (per 100m) in a customisable number of sections over a period of time (within the record limitations), and displays the results in a line graph. Average speed is represented in blue, whilst average density over 100m is represented in green. The results are also displayed on the PPI as grey information boxes attached to each section.

The filter parameters are as follows:

Carriageway: Filters the statistics based on the selected carriageway.

Select All Sections: Select for all sections to be queried. If not selected you can filter the statistics based on one more selected section:

Filter: Filters the visible sections so it is easier to select the required sections for the query filter:

Statistic Results

The results for each section will be displayed on the main map display.

And graphs will also be displayed showing speed and vehicle counts over the time specified for the query.

Traffic Analysis Query

Traffic Analysis queries are configured with the following options:

The variables are decided by the following categories:

Carriageway: Filter the analysis data for the selected carriageway.

Section: Filter the analysis data for the selected sections. Only sections that have been selected under Plugins: Track Analysis in the Carriageway Configurations will be available to be selected. Areas will not be available for selection.

Lane: Filter the analysis data for a specific lane

Traffic Analysis Results

The Traffic Analysis Results are split into four graphs, the default categories of vehicle size are:

  • Short

  • Medium

  • Long

  • Combination

Each graph displays two different data values per class of vehicle size:

  • Total (purple): the total number (Σn) of vehicles in the selected sections at a given time: 

  • Speed mps (blue): the average speed of the vehicles in that section at a given time, in metres per second:

The exact value of each point can be seen by hovering your mouse pointer over the points on the graph. 

Highways Log Query

This query draws on the data recorded in the Highways Log (see System Logs), consisting of all classified 'mass activity' on the carriageway: Queues, Traffic, Maintenance and Empty Carriageways. A query calculates all or any incidents of these four activities in a customisable number of sections over a period of time (within the record limitations), and displays the results in a list.

Highways Log queries are configured with the following options:

Carriageway: Filter by carriageways mentioned in the log. Do not select a carriageway if all carriageways are to be queried. 

Select All Sections: Select for all sections to be queried. If not selected you can filter based on one more selected section:

Section Filter: Filter by sections that are mentioned in the highways log.

Highways Log Type: Filter the log results by the log type. Select Query Highways Log Type to use this filter:

Log Results

The results will be presented as a list in the Results Panel. In the example below, the Highways Log Type 'Empty Carriageway' over a 12 hour period has been queried: 

Section Range Slider

There are a few instances where values can be configured via a Range Slider:

Either end of the range can be set by using Click+Drag on either of the slider bars. This will reduce the “window” size of visible sections. The numbers on the range slider will show you the count of the first and last sections in the selected range.

Once you have the number of required sections visible, you can move this range up and down the section list whilst maintaining its size by using Ctrl+Click+Drag on either of the slider bars.

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