.CPR to .COLRAW Conversion Utility Tool
This tool is a stand alone program, which will read a .CPR file (a proprietary Cambridge Pixel format) and convert it to the Witness Colossus format, and save it as a .colraw file.
Using the Conversion Utility Tool
Please follow the steps to use the tool:
Download the cpr_colossus_converter.exe tool and save it to the same location as the .cpr files that you wish to convert. Navtech downloads are located here: Navtech Tools Downloads.
Open a windows Terminal and change directory to the directory containing the cpr_colossus_converter.exe
Run a command to use the converter with a .cpr file with an encoder size. There are optional flags to manually set the amount of azimuths per rotation of the radar and disable compression of the data. For example;
.\cpr_colossus_converter.exe -f .\20220609-122350-06A788F8.cpr -e 5600 -a 400 -c 1
Press enter, you will see the radar data recording begin.
This will complete and save the output as a .colraw file in the same folder, as in the example below:
Use flag -f to specify the file location of the .cpr file to convert.
Use flag -e to specify the radar's encoder size (the radar whose data that was recorded in the .cpr file).
Use flag -a an optional flag to manually set the amount of azimuths per rotation of the radar (the amount of azimuths is automatically calculated by the tool).
Use flag -c an optional flag which will disable compression of the data (compression is enabled by default to save space).
Related Information
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