Requesting Health Messages
Requesting Health Messages
To request the sending of regular health messages the client simply needs to send the start health message. Health messages will then be sent at regular intervals from the radar.
Start Health
Receive & Process Health
The lines of text below show the content of one health message from a radar. The message payload is a byte array representing a serialised Protocol Buffer message. The required Protobuf message files can be downloaded here.
dietemperature {
minvalue: -20.0
maxvalue: 95.0
value: 28.053295135498047
delta: 0.0
status: HEALTHY
warnallowance: 12
alarmallowance: 20
clearallowance: 1
soctemperature {
minvalue: -20.0
maxvalue: 95.0
value: 16.0
delta: 0.0
status: HEALTHY
warnallowance: 12
alarmallowance: 20
clearallowance: 1
vcotemperature {
minvalue: -20.0
maxvalue: 95.0
value: 16.0
delta: 0.0
status: HEALTHY
warnallowance: 12
alarmallowance: 20
clearallowance: 1
ambienttemperature {
minvalue: -20.0
maxvalue: 95.0
value: 16.0
delta: 0.0
status: HEALTHY
warnallowance: 12
alarmallowance: 20
clearallowance: 1
rotation {
minvalue: 200.0
maxvalue: 200.0
value: 4000.0
delta: 59.0
status: HEALTHY
warnallowance: 12
alarmallowance: 20
clearallowance: 1
packetrate {
minvalue: 30.0
maxvalue: 30.0
value: 1599.0
delta: -1570.0
status: HEALTHY
warnallowance: 12
alarmallowance: 20
clearallowance: 1
rfhealthcheck {
minvalue: 10.0
maxvalue: 10.0
value: 0.0
delta: 0.0
status: HEALTHY
warnallowance: 12
alarmallowance: 20
clearallowance: 1
transmitting: true
expectedrotation: 4000
expectedpacketrate: 1600
macaddress: "54:10:ec:6e:a5:0e"
encodererrorcount: 0
systemuptime: 94165.28125
motorcurrent {
minvalue: 0.0010000000474974513
maxvalue: 0.5
value: 0.10999999940395355
delta: 0.0
status: HEALTHY
warnallowance: 12
alarmallowance: 20
clearallowance: 1
networkstate {
state: NET_UP
duplex: NET_FULL
speed: 1000
maxclientsallowed: 3
ipclients: ""
expectedrxpacketrate: 1600
uplinkerrors: 0
downlinkerrors: 0
uplinkmissed: 0
downlinkmissed: 0
Note that with Radar Firmware and later, there are additional data fields within the radar health message; an example of the presentation of these additional fields is shown below:
softwareuptime: 2912
totaluptime: 455224