Onboard a vessel entering a harbour, 1Km mode

Onboard a vessel entering a harbour, 1Km mode

A prototype Navtech CIR radar was modified to enable an instrumented range of 1Km. This new operation mode is available on request, and is accessed as a user-selectable profile in the Vertex web interface.

The 1Km mode is realised by modifying the 77GHz FMCW output, the range bin is increased from 17.5cm to 29.2cm, yielding an overall radar range increase from 600m to 1Km using 3424 bins.

Example Dataset 1:

Displays the 1Km range when entering a harbour in Plymouth, UK. Mounted onboard a 12m vessel in a smooth sea state. The radar was mounted on the ships mast at height 3-4m from the water level.

This dataset is in the Cambridge Pixel .cpr file format, containing:

  • Raw radar data from Navtech’s CIR-Gen2

  • GPS heading correction (NMEA inputs: $GPGGA, $GPRMC, $GPHDT, $GPROT, $GPZDA)

1Km range radar mode, onboard a vessel entering a harbour

The .cpr file can be played back in a radar viewer such as Radar-View Lite, or SPX Server which supports GPS data streams.

See View Live Radar Data for the SPX Radar-View Lite download, and information on how to display radar data. Once downloaded, Select 'Channel-A' to bring up the source control panel, and navigate to the example data .cpr file.

SPX Radar-View Lite, source control panel


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