The radar acts as a UDP client/server and therefore can send and receive UDP datagrams. The radar supports a UDP IP address that can be a multicast address and defaults to on port 6317, which, is IANA-allocated to Navtech. The IP addresses and the port are all configurable via the radar management software.
UDP Message Structure
Each message includes a header of 8 bytes followed by a variable length payload. The header includes the message type and payload size enabling the client software to reliably decode the payload data as required. When sending messages to a radar if the Radar Serial number field is set to 0 then the message is considered a broadcast and all radar will respond. To send a message to specific radar set the serial number to that of the radar that is required to respond.
Typically there are 2 types of payloads;
Byte array representing a structure made up from standard C++ data types
Byte array representing a serialised Protocol Buffer message
Byte arrays that represent both of the above
For more information on Google Protocol Buffers please see reference [ ]. Navtech can provide Protobuf message files on request.
All network data is sent in Network Order i.e. big-endian.
The Complete UDP Message Structure
The UDP Message Header
This is the first part of every message sent using this protocol. The provides information about the body of the message.
UDP Message Header Structure
Field | Type [Size] | Description |
Version | uint8_t [1] | Protocol version – indicates the revision of the protocol messages |
Message Id | uint8_t [1] | Message type – indicates the type of the payload |
Radar Serial | uint16_t [1] | Serial number of radar only used when receiving will be set to 0 on send |
Payload Size | uint32_t [1] | The size, in bytes, of the main body of the message |
UDP Message Types
Message Name | Message Id | Direction | Description |
Discovery | 10 | From Radar | Sends minimal radar configuration properties required to connect the client software to correctly receive data |
Update Network Settings | 20 | To Radar | Update Network settings on radar and a reboot |
Keep Alive | 30 | From Radar | Keep-alive ping |
Point cloud | 40 | From Radar | Point-cloud data message |
The UDP Message Body
The body of the message will contain one of the message types outlined in section 2.3.2. This payload will be variable length, the size being specified in the message header. The rest of this document describes the message types.
Discovery Message
The discovery message contains the minimal information a client application needs to connect to the radar. The message provides all critical data in fixed length fields at the beginning of the message. These values are the minimum required in order to successfully connect a client to the TCP server. These fields can be accessed using the normal process of decoding a byte stream coming across the network. The remainder of the message is made up from a variable length Protocol Buffer message which contains additional information about the radar, such as serial numbers and service dates. Advanced customer applications would be expected to decode this message data however the information is optional. The size of this message body is specified by the payload size field in the header. The size of the Protocol Buffer message can be calculated by subtracting the size of the fixed length fields from the payload size (i.e. Payload Size – 22 bytes). A configuration message is always sent when a client first connects and is also sent in response to a request from the client.
Discovery Message Structure
Field | Type [Size] | Description |
Azimuth Samples | uint16_t [2] | Number of azimuth samples taken per rotation |
Bin Size / Resolution | uint16_t [2] | The range resolution per bin. In tenths of millimetres. For example 0.2997m would be 2997. |
Range In Bins | uint16_t [2] | Configured detection range, in bins |
Encoder Size | uint16_t [2] | The total number of available steps on the encoder wheel |
TCP IP Address | uint8_t [4] | The TCP server IP address e.g. - 192 = [0], 168 = [1] |
TCP Port | uint16_t [2] | The TCP server port |
Radar Serial | uint16_t [2] | Radar serial number |
MAC Address | uint8_t [6] | MAC Address e.g. 7E:0C:08:34:0E:19 – 7E = [0], 0C = [1] |
Discovery Protocol Buffer Payload
Field | Type [Size] | Description |
Field | Type [Size] | Description |
Model | RadarModel PB Message | Model information of Radar |
Max Clients Allowed | uint32_t [4] | Maximum number of clients this radar supports |
Clients | String list | List of IP addresses connected to the radar |
Feature Flag | uint32_t [4] | See below for details |
Feature Flag layout
The Feature Flag is a 32-bit word. The fields depend on the protocol version in use.
Version 2 (radar firmware version v. or earlier):
Version 3 (radar firmware v3.1.0.415 and later):
Update Network Settings
The update network settings message contains all of the information required to change the IP settings of the radar. The message provides all critical data in fixed length fields at the beginning of the message. These values are the minimum required in order to successfully configure the IP settings of the radar. These fields can be accessed using the normal process of decoding a byte stream coming across the network.
Update Network Settings Message Structure
Field | Type [Size] | Description |
IP Address | uint8_t [4] | The Radar IP address e.g. - 192 = [0], 168 = [1] |
Subnet Mask | uint8_t [4] | The Subnet Mask e.g. - 255 = [0], 254 = [1] |
Gateway | uint8_t [4] | The Gateway IP address e.g. - 192 = [0], 168 = [1] |
Primary DNS | uint8_t [4] | The Primary DNS IP address e.g. - 192 = [0], 168 = [1] |
Secondary DNS | uint8_t [4] | The Secondary DNS address e.g. - 192 = [0], 168 = [1] |
NTP Server | uint8_t [4] | The NTP Server IP address e.g. - 192 = [0], 168 = [1] |
Point Cloud Data
Point Cloud data messages are emitted by the radar if the Point Cloud output is enabled.
A point cloud data message represents one azimuth of data. The message payload consists of zero or more points, which represent a set of radar returns along the azimuth that exceed some configured threshold. The parameters for controlling the point cloud output are controlled via the Navigation Configuration Colossus TCP message.
Point Cloud Data Message Structure
Field | Type [Size] | Description |
Azimuth number | uint16_t [2] | The return azimuth number [0 .. (azimuths per rotation - 1)] |
NTP seconds | uint32_t [4] | The number of seconds since the epoch |
NTP split seconds | uint32_t [4] | The nanosecond component of the time since the epoch. |
Bearing | float [4] | The azimuth angle, in degrees, from radar North. [0.0 <= bearing < 360.0] |
Point count | uint8_t [1] | The number of points that exceed the defined threshold. [0 .. max peaks per azimuth] (see Navigation Configuration) |
Points | Range/power pairs, as defined below |
Point Cloud Point Structure
Field | Type [Size] | Description |
Range | float [4] | Range, in metres |
Power | float [4] | Power, in dB |
Related Information
Colossus Record and Playback Tool (Products)
Vertex User Guide (Products)
Colossus Network Data Protocol (Products)
Requesting Health Messages (Industrial Automation)
Firmware Control and Upgrade (Products)
Changing the Configuration (Products)
Login (Products)
Engineer (Products)
User - Radar Data (Products)
User - Radar Hardware (Products)
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