ICD-001 Track Report
This page covers the ICD-001 Track Report.
Example Track Report
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<tr:TrackReport xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:tr="ICDNAV001-rackReport" xmlns:cmn="ICDNAV001-CommonTypes">
<!-- Track element -->
<tr:Track Id="1745" DbId="{4431-445678AF-AFB212}" SizeInAz="12.6" SizeInRange="22.3" Seen="24" Coasts="2" Reported="2010-04-03T22:05:02.112">
<!-- Location element - position based on system coordinates -->
<cmn:Location X="12.5" Y="8" Z="0" DirectionDegs="234.5" Speed="23.2" LaneUserId="4" SectionUserId="25" CarriagewayName="M25-J"/>
<cmn:Status ThreatLevel="Warning" BrokenRules="1,2" Classification="Large Vehicle" ClassificationProbability="0.79"/>
<!-- Geo Data if available from the tracking system -->
<cmn:GeoData Latitude="33.860012" Longitude="-1.7891123"/>
<!-- Alarm element - one or more alarms depending on rules broken -->
<cmn:Alarm Type="Follow" Description="Target in area 4" Priority="3" RuleId="1" RelayId="0" AlarmId="5"/>
<cmn:Alarm Type="Follow" Description="Speed over 4m/s" Priority="2" RuleId="2" RelayId="0" AlarmId="9"/>
<!-- Sensor Element - details of the sensor providing the tracking data -->
<cmn:Radar RadarId="1" Name="SE Perimeter" Range="800" Model="W800-H" SerialNo="8116"/>
Track Attributes
Optional attributes are formatted in italics and highlighted with an asterisk.
Attribute | Description | Type | Unit |
Id | Track Id | Long | |
DbId | Unique database Id | String (GUID) | |
SizeInAz | Size of target in azimuth | Double | Metres |
SizeInRange | Size of target in range | Double | Metres |
ReportedĀ | Time track was reported | DateTime | |
Seen | Amount of time this track has been seen | Long | |
Coasts | Count of time track has coasted will reset to zero when coasting stops | Long |
Location Attributes
Attribute | Description | TypeĀ | UnitĀ |
X | X Coordinate | Double | Metres |
YĀ | Y Coordinate | Double | Metres |
Z | Z Coordinate (Height) | Double | MetresĀ |
DirectionDegs | Direction in which track is moving | Double | DegreesĀ |
Speed | Speed of the track | Double | m/s |
LaneUserId | Lane User Id if track inside a carriageway | String | |
SectionUserId | Section User Id if track inside a carriageway | String | |
CarriagewayName | Name of carriageway the track is on | String |
Status Attributes
Attribute | Description | Type | Unit |
ThreatLevel | Threat type ā options are:Ā Ā
| Ā ThreatLevelList | |
BrokenRules | Comma separated list of broken rules | String | |
Classification | Classification of target based on rules | String | |
ClassificationProbability | The probability that the classification fits the rule | Double |
GeoData Attributes (Optional)Ā
Attribute | Description | Type | Unit |
Latitude | WGS 84 Coordinate | String | Decimal DegreesĀ |
Longitude | WGS 84 Coordinate | String | Decimal DegreesĀ |
Alarm Attributes (Optional)
Attribute | Description | Type | UnitĀ |
Type | Alarm type ā options are:
| AlarmTypeList |
Description | Alarm description | String | |
Priority | Priority of the alarm | Integer | |
RuleId | Rule ID to which alarm is linked | Integer | |
RelayId | ID of relay to be fired in event of alarm | Integer | |
AlarmId | ID of alarm | Long |
Radar Attributes (Optional)
Attribute | Description | Type | Unit |
RadarId | ID of the radar | Long | |
Name | Name of the radar | String | |
Range | Maximum range of the sensor | Integer | |
Model* | Sensorās model name | StringĀ | |
SerialNo* | Sensorās serial number | String |
Related Information
ICD-001 Track Filter Command (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 Acknowledge Alarm Command (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 Request Status Command (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 Detection Command (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 Update Entity Command (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 System Profile Command (Witness 4.0)
Navtech ICD-001 Protocol (Witness 3.0)
ICD-001 External Trigger Command (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 Plugin (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 Command Reply (Witness 4.0)