Data Visualisation Playback Tool

RadarDataVisualiser is tool used to help visualise clutter map behaviour. It only plays back files captured using the Data Visualisation Playback Tool. This tool captures a number of different files, each providing a different view of the same data. All these files must be in the same folder as the RadarDataVisualiser.exe file.

Related information:

Main Window

Results Drop Down

If there are multiple result files this drop down will allow the user to select a different group of results.

File Selection Drop Down

The user can choose which one of the files they would like to visualise.


  • The Up/Down/Left/Right buttons are pan controls

  • The bottom slider is rotation around the radar

  • The first slider on the right is the tilt around the radar

  • The second slider on the right changes the threshold value and moves a black disc over the radar data to simulate threshold values

Playback Controls

  • Play - Start a playback from current position to end of the sequence

  • Stop - Stops playback and reset frame to beginning

  • Pause - Pauses playback

  • << - Skip backwards 5 frames

  • >> - Skip forwards 5 frames

  • Slider - Allows selection of current frame and playback start

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