Gate Rule

Gate Rule


The Gate Rule wizard will allow you to create a rule that can detect if a target enters a defined area but does not enter via a defined gateway. In addition it will check the target for the selected classification. If the target breaks the rule then an alarm will be raised and the camera tasked to follow the target. Any target which enters the primary alarm zone having gone through the gate area will not trigger an alarm.


Configuring the Wizard

  1. Choose the Gate Rule type:


  2. For Check Area, select a New Area (in green) or an existing Area (in white).


  3. For Gate Area, select a New Area (in green) or an existing Area (in white).


  4. Here two New Areas have been selected. This will automatically create two areas entitled ā€œGate Rule Areaā€ and ā€œGate Rule Checkā€ under the folder Areas in the configuration tree. These areas can be edited and moved at this point or once the wizard has been completed.


  5. You can configure Alarm Properties. The image below displays the default settings, which can be amended now or at a later date by editing the rule.


  6. This is the resulting gate rule: -



Track Sighting Input Rule Inputs | Track Sighting Input


Classification Check Rule Checks | Classification Check

In this example, the target has been classified as a person.

Alarm Area Check Rule Checks | Area Check

The Check Time is Now and the Area is the Gate Rule Check area.

Gate Area Check

The Check Time is AnyTime and the Area is the Gate Rule Check area.

Gate Area Anti-Check

The Check Time is AnyTime and the Area is the Gate Rule Check area.

Alarm Area Check 2

The Check Time is Now and the Area is the Gate Rule Check area.


Boolean Link: AndĀ Rule Checks | Boolean Link

In the first example, And has been selected. This means that each of the checks will need to be satisfied for the Actions to proceed.

Boolean Link: Not

In the second example, Not has been selected. This means that none of the checks will need to be satisfied for the Actions to proceed.

Boolean Link: And

In the third example, And has been selected. This means that each of the checks will need to be satisfied for the Actions to proceed.


Track Status Change Rule Actions | Track Status

The default setting is Friend, but this can be amended from the drop down list depending on the sensitivity of the area.

Alarm Rule Actions | Alarm

This will sound an alarm if the area is entered without going through the Gate Area. The Priority and Severity of the intrusion can also be configured; for example, in a highly sensitive area then you may want the highest threat level to be set.

Camera Rule Actions | Camera

This will set a camera to keep following the target after the condition clears.

PPI Example

Here is an Area in red, with the Gate Area in Green:

Ā Here is a track with a target approaching the Area without going through the Gate Area:

The target enters the Area without going through the Gate Area and activates the alarm:

Here is a second track with a target approaching the Area via the Gate Area:

They pass through the Gate Area and do not trigger an alarm:


This video demonstrates creating a Gate Rule, and shows it in action by using the Playback Track feature to simulate a track using the gate and a second which breaks the Gate Rule and generates an alarm:

Ā Related Information

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