Trebuchet Radar Discovery

Trebuchet Radar Discovery


This page covers Radar Discovery within the Trebuchet App.


Radar Discovery


The Radar Discovery tab displays radar available on the current network. It does this by listening to discovery data messages received from a network interface, as defined in the config file.

Each radar is listed by it's serial number and it's connection details are shown. Clicking on the hostname of a given radar will take the user to that radar's Vertex page. Some additional information is listed from the discovery data, including the number of azimuths, the range in metres, and whether Safeguard is enabled. The FFT Protocol, Point Data Output (PDO) modes and the feature flags that are supported by the radar are also displayed, and whether they are enabled or not. If a radar does not support a feature then N/A will be displayed.


While the launcher can be configured to launch practically any command-line app, there are some limitations to consider. These largely relate to the parameters themselves.

Parameters are not Typed

Currently, all parameters are treated as strings and there is no option otherwise. A consequence of this is that Boolean parameters (i.e. parameters where no argument is required, just a flag) cannot be changed into a checkbox, for example. Instead, they are set by typing “true” into a text field.

No Input Validation

There is no way of doing input validation on any parameters. The app cannot know in advance the validation requirements for any given field.

Apps are Launched with all Parameters passed as Arguments

If a parameter is present in the config file, then it will be passed as an argument to the app when launching, regardless of its optionality.

The Witness.NavDataCapture Utility is an example of where this can cause an issue. It's SetRange option can be used to set the range gain, the range offset, or both. Trebuchet can only do both at once, which could become an issue if a user would like to keep the current setting for either.

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