This page covers the configuration of the demonstration kit.
Network Configuration
The demonstration equipment is pre-configured as follows:
The IPv4 subnet for the radar and camera is (mask =
Device | IP Address | Notes |
Radar Sensor | | |
PTZ Camera | | |
PC / Laptop | | Recommend. The PC / Laptop is not supplied with the demonstration kit |
Give your computer another address within the same subnet, e.g.
If you are not sure how to do this, then either:
Download and use the network configuration utility from here?. Unpack the two files to your desktop and be sure to use the short-cut, as this ensures the utility runs with administrator permissions (select option 1), or
Refer to this article on how to do it manually:
You may “multi-home” your network configuration, allowing your PC to connect to another network, such as one with internet access, at the same time. Internet access is required to download a map image from Google or Microsoft. If the location of the demonstration is known beforehand, it is advisable to download a map and locate it within Witness before setting off. If on the other hand, the location is not known, we would suggest you take a smartphone with you, which can be tethered to your laptop allowing you to download a map once the demonstration location is known, assuming, of course, that you have mobile data access at the demonstration site.
Installing Witness
Download the latest version of Witness from here.
Ensure that the Microsoft .NET and Visual C++ 32 and 64bit prerequisites have been downloaded from the Microsoft website and have been installed on the system.
As an Administrator, run the downloaded Witness executable.
When asked what type of installation is required, choose the “Demo” option:
Continue through the setup wizard by clicking Next > to choose all of the default options. Finally click Finish on the last page.
Wait a moment to allow the programme services to start-up before opening Sentinel.
Logging In
Start Sentinel by double clicking the Sentinel icon on your desktop.
In the logon dialog, use “WitnessAdmin” as the username and use the password “Navtech Radar.” Note the capitals, space and full stop/period) the password is case sensitive, the username is not.
Once logged in you will see: A square detection area coloured blue and inside this you will see symbols representing the radar and camera.
Enter Admin mode by simultaneously pressing Crtl+Alt+F5.
If this doesn’t work, then it is probably due to the Intel Graphics Hot Keys being enabled. To cure this: From the system tray (bottom right) select Intel HD Graphics then Graphics Options > Hot Keys > Disable. When it works, the word “Admin” (in red) should appear near the top right in the Sentinel title bar.
Aligning the Radar and Camera
Position and level the two surveyors’ tripods, with the radar sensor and the camera mounted on them, so that their centres are exactly 3m apart. The camera should be to the right of the radar, relative to where you will be positioned for the demonstration.
Set the height of the camera to approximately 1.8m above either the ground level, or the level on which the people you want to detect will be walking.
Set the radar to be 1.8m – 2.0m above the ground (and no more than 4.0m).
You now need to carefully align the zero points of the radar sensor and camera, starting with the radar. Turn the radar so that its flat panel (of the blue base where the connectors are located) points directly at the camera. You can use simple triangulation to achieve this:
Use a tape measure (with mm markings) to measure from the centre of the camera, first to one corner of the radar’s flat panel and then the other – these need to be as precisely the same as you can make them.
Rotate the radar until A=B and test by moving the tape measure from one corner of the flat surface to the other, making slight adjustments in the radar’s rotation until the A and B lengths are exactly equal.
Secure the radar to the tripod in this position so that it cannot move.
On the Supply unit, switch on only the Ethernet Switch Power and Camera Power.
You now need to align the camera with the radar. First you need to ensure the camera is in its pre-set home position, which will indicate its zero point for alignment.
This camera, like many others, will return to its last position on start-up, not the stored home position. The alignment process requires the camera to be at its home position, which is factory set to the absolute 0,0 position. Setting the camera to its home position requires logging into the camera web interface using Internet Explorer. It must be Internet Explorer, as the camera uses an Active-X plugin which only works in Internet Explorer.
Open Internet Explorer and enter the camera URL: You should see the 360 Vision login page.
Log in using the username: admin and the password: 9999
In the menu on the left side, click "Settings" and then click the “Advanced Features” option. You should see a page similar to this:
Click the “Preset” option located on the left side of the main section and choose the entry “94 : Home” from the resulting drop-down list and then click the “Seek Preset” button. Do NOT click the “Define” button.
Using GPS, Google Earth or a smartphone, get the longitude latitude coordinates for somewhere roughly in the centre of the demonstration site.
If you haven’t already done so, login to Sentinel, as discussed on page 8.
Once logged into Sentinel, ensure the selection/information panel on the right side of the window is open. If necessary, click on the pop-out tab on the right side of the screen.
If the video viewer is not already open, follow these instructions:
Select the Objects tab at the top of the selection panel.
Expand the Video Viewer menu item by selecting the grey arrow to the left.
Double click “1: Video”, which will open a window displaying the view the camera is seeing.
Loosen the camera on the tripod. Carefully rotate the whole camera by its base (NOT the upper part of the camera) until the radar appears dead centre left to right in the view. Don’t worry about the height, unless you can’t see the radar, in which case, adjust the radar height, or centre on tripod you’re using to support the radar.
The radar and camera are now aligned, re-tighten the camera to the tripod.
The camera and radar sensor are now aligned.
After the camera is powered on you will need to wait a minute before the web page is accessible.
Defining the Detection Area
On the Supply unit, switch on the “Radar Power”.
On the Sentinel screen, expand the “Radars and Trackers” menu item under the Objects tab in the selection/information panel on the right side of the window and wait until the status indicator (red box) goes green. If it’s already green, then proceed. At this point you may notice tracks being displayed on the screen, if so, the camera will start following them.
Select “1: Bloodhound PDK-Radar 1”, then select and click on the Data button on the mid-left of the Sentinel window – this will display the raw radar data in green.
Take a moment to study it and identify the real world objects that are showing up in the raw data.
It is now advisable to adjust the size and shape of the detection area to suit your demonstration location, and exclude all and any areas you won’t be using. To do this:
Select and expand Areas in the Objects tab on the right, then select PDK Detection Zone, then click the edit button below.
Zoom out using the mouse wheel, and pan using ‘pick & drag’ with the mouse until you can see the whole detection zone.
Pick and drag the circular control points until your area is the same size as the area you want to work in. If your area is not square or rectangular, then double-click the unfilled boxes positioned between each circular control point; this will convert the box into a control point which can be dragged in the same manner as the other control points.
Adjust the detection area perimeter, using the radar raw data as a guide, to include the space where your assistant will be walking to demonstrate the system, but exclude as much unnecessary area as possible as this will reduce false or nuisance alarms, and also reduce the complexity of the configuration required to perform a good demonstration. Things to avoid are: Trees, bushes, shrubs etc. long grass, other large loose objects or debris being blown about by wind.
Click the save button when finished.
Click on “1: Bloodhound PDK-Radar 1” on the right again, and then click the Data button on the left of the screen to turn the raw data off.
Importing and Aligning a Map
Using Google Maps, Bing Maps, or something similar, clip out a map image about twice the size of the area you intend to use for the demonstration (this allows you to show the early warning/detection features of the system). Save this clipped map image as a JPEG file type.
Click the Navtech Radar logo in the top right left corner to open the “Main Menu”.
Click on the Config button (if this is greyed out, then you are not in admin mode – see Logging In).
Whilst in “Sentinel – Configuration” click on the “Map” tab at the top, then click the Edit button bottom left.