Radar Point Data

Radar Point Data


This page covers the SafeGuard™ Configuration Application Navigation Data tab.


Navigation Data


Once you have connected to the radar the Navigation Data tab will display Navigation Point data.

Save To File: This option allows you to export the Data Points to a .CSV file.

Bearing (°): The determination of the direction of the plot.

Range (m): This is the area of coverage of the plot.

Power (dB): The power amplitude of the plot.

This list can be sorted by clicking the Bearing, Range or Power headers.

Selecting a Navigation Point

You can select a red Navigation Point by:

  1. Click your mouse over it whilst you are in Pause Mode. The app will highlight the Navigation Point in yellow and also the points Navigation Data as in the example below:



  2. Alternatively, you can double-click on the Navigation Data of any point and the app will centre that point on the PPI and highlight it in yellow.

For more information about Data Point Controls please refer to:PPI Display | Data Point Controls.

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