Sample Radar data in ASTERIX Cat 240 format

Sample Radar data in ASTERIX Cat 240 format

As well as producing radar output in the colossus network protocol, Navtech Radars can be configured to produce a radar video output in ASTERIX Cat 240 format, as described on this page.

The network-capture recordings below are in pcap format and can be played back with a packet replay tool such as this one.

The recordings were made from a radar mounted at approximately 51° 45.246'N, 1° 20.988'W with “Radar-North” on a bearing of 262°.

In the recordings a school of one-person sailing dinghies were moving within the radar’s field of view, at distances up to ~600m from the radar, as shown in the photograph below. Note that the four files attached Note that although the four files accessible below were recorded on the same occasion at the same location, they are not contiguous.

The data recorded was sent from a radar to an address of on port 4378

Showing some of the radar’s field-of-view at the time of the recordings.
  File Modified

File ASTERIX_CAT240_1_20230517184234.pcap

May 19, 2023 by John Marshall

File ASTERIX_CAT240_2_20230517185334.pcap

May 19, 2023 by John Marshall

File ASTERIX_CAT240_3_20230517190139.pcap

May 19, 2023 by John Marshall

File ASTERIX_CAT240_4_20230517190733.pcap

May 19, 2023 by John Marshall