This section deals with the creation of a virtual carriageway that mimics the actual carriageway beside which the radar have been physically installed.
It is necessary to have a virtual carriageway in order to accurately detect, analyse and report incidents observed by the radar - the virtual carriageway creates parameters around the actual detection area. The ClearWay™ program cannot function without at least one carriageway.
Open Street Map
The process of adding a carriageway can be aided by displaying an Open Street Map, or Google Map. Alternatively if you have GPS coordinates for the carriageway outline you can use these to edit the carriageway more accurately after you have created it.
Note that using Google Map requires an internet connection.
Open Street Map or Google Map can be displayed by:
Selecting the User in the Users folder.
In the User Details window, select the Background Display tab. Enable the Edit button, then select Display Open Street Map.
Save this change.
Drawing a Carriageway
Enable the Configuration Mode, then select Carriageways from the Configuration Tree. Select New from the configuration panel; this will open a list of new feature options. Select Carriageway.
The Carriageway Wizard window will appear, labelled as Create and Draw New Carriageway. Drag this window to one side, and the plumb line for your carriageway should be visible: a white horizontal line, with three nodal points.
You must now use the nodes of the plumb line in order to plot your carriageway. The Open Street Map gives a visual guide to the position of the carriageway, but if your radar are live, they should also be transmitting visual data. Use a combination of the Open Street Map and the visual data from the radar in order to accurately plot your carriageway.
The carriageway plotting tools are these:
1. Hold down the Ctrl key to move the entire carriageway.
2. Select individual circular nodes to place and change direction of carriageway sections.
3. Right click on the square graphic to create more circular nodes.
4. Right click on the circular nodes to delete them.
5. Zoom in on your carriageway for greater detail with either your mouse, track pad or using the toggle direction and zoom keys in the top left hand corner of the Open Street Map display.
You can edit the shape, direction and nodal points of the carriageway after plotting and completing the New Carriageway Wizard. The plum line plan is not permanent. You can also move back and forth between the stages of the Wizard if you wish to return to editing the carriageway in its plumb line state.
Carriageway Configuration
Once your initial carriageway is plotted, return to the Create and Draw New Carriageway window. Now you can configure the carriageway and its Rules - these decide what objects and behaviours you wish the radar to detect.
Create Dual Carriageway: Select if your carriageway is a dual carriageway - traffic flowing in both directions.
Number of Lanes: The number of lanes on each carriage way - each direction of traffic.
Carriageway Separation (m): The distance of the barrier between the carriageways. Only applicable to a dual carriageway.
Lane Width (m): The width of one lane in your carriageway.
Section Length (m): The length of the segments your carriageway will be divided into in order to divide the surveillance of the carriageway equally between the radar.
Right Hand Drive: Select if your carriageway is in a country with right hand side drive.
Virtual Tracking Areas: Selected by default. This forces the software to generate appropriate tracking detection areas that match the carriageway. These areas are created dynamically when the software starts and when any changes are made to the layout of the carriageway.
Virtual Debris Tracking Areas: Selected by default. This forces the software to generate appropriate debris detection areas that match the carriageway. These areas are created dynamically when the software starts and when any changes are made to the layout of the carriageway.
Default Rules: all AID rules are selected by default, however you can deselect the rules you don’t need.
Once you have selected the rules, click Next and you are given the opportunity to amend the key attributes of each selected rule:
Description: The object or action the rule applies to.
Alarm Description: A description of the alarm event, which will be displayed to the user.
Break Count: The number of times a rule has to be met before an alarm is raised.
Use Allowance Curve: The dynamic adjustment of the time it takes to generate an alarm based on how often the rule conditions are satisfied. This option is always recommended for ClearWay™.
Classification: What type of moving object.
Breaking Condition: Set the checking parameters for the rules speed value.
Min./Max. (m/s): Minimum and/or maximum speeds.
Once satisfied with your Rules' configuration, click Finish. Your virtual carriageway should now appear on the main display with sections showing based on the selected section length.
Related Information
Quick Setup Guide (Witness 4.0)
Sections (Witness 4.0)
Lanes (Witness 4.0)
Rule Areas (Witness 4.0)
Final Steps (Witness 4.0)
Auto-Section (Witness 4.0)
Radar to Section Allocation (Witness 4.0)
Radar and Carriageway Alignment (Witness 4.0)
Adding Carriageways (Witness 4.0)
Incident Report (Witness 4.0)
Rule Configuration (Witness 4.0)
General (Witness 4.0)
Break Count (Witness 4.0)
Advanced (Witness 4.0)
Carriageway Statistics (Witness 4.0)