Using SPx RadarView Lite - AdvanceGuard

Using SPx RadarView Lite - AdvanceGuard

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Using SPx RadarView Lite

The SPx RadarView Lite application can obtained through contacting Navtech Radar.

This software application consists of two files which must be located in the same folder (any folder) on your computer:

SPXRadarView-Lite.exe  and  SPXRadarView Lite <radar model>.cpv .

Each radar model has a dedicated configuration .cpv file needed for each of the different radar models.

To use SPx RadarView Lite

Run SPXRadarView-Lite.exe. You should see a blank main screen.

Click Channel-A on the top toolbar and select the Source... option.

Ensure that the Selection option is set to Network and in the section below enter the IP Address of the sensor. The Port must be set to 6317. Click OK.

Once the IP address and port are correctly set and the application makes contact with the sensor, the Video and Turn indicators should turn green. Shortly afterwards, you should begin to see radar data within the main window:

Note: This operation is graphics intensive and the speed/power of your laptop or PC with have an impact on the display. 

On the left side of the screen ensure the Raw option is ticked.
Click the button to show the Display Control dialog box.

Ensure that in the Raw Radar section the Fading option is set to Replace

Click the button to zoom into the radar view so that you can clearly see both of your test targets.

Right click the mouse pointer on the exact middle point of one of the targets to display a popup options box. Click the option Popup Channel-A, A Scan…. to display a scan window.

The scan window provides live signal strength data concentrating only on the angular direction of the chosen target from the radar sensor. In each of the two graph plots, the x-axis shows the distance from the sensor while the y-axis indicates the returned signal strength. You should see a spike representing your target at the relevant distance.