Track Query
This query filters tracks through every possible variation, in order to select and display a specific quota of tracks (within the time period and record limitations). The track pathways appear as a white line on the PPI, but multiple tracks can be multi-coloured to differentiate them. The variables are decided by the following categories:
- Min. Sightings: minimum number of sightings a track requires before it is recorded as a track.
- Min. Speed: the speed value, either a maximum, minimum or equal to value.
- Classification: type of moving object.
Travelled (m): how far along the carriageway the tracks have travelled. Toggle the 🛇, ≤ and ≥ buttons to define the value.
Area Covered (m): how far the track has travelled, either horizontally or vertically along the x/y-axis. Toggle the 🛇, ≤ and ≥ buttons to define the value. Whether the value is measured on the x or y-axis depends on which is the larger 'distance'. In the examples below, the Area Covered is defined first by the distance travelled along the x-axis, and second by the distance travelled up the y-axis.
For distance Travelled, it is a minimum value. The results will return tracks any value larger, any values further from zero, whether negative or positive. e.g. Travelled (m): 6 would return 7, 8, 9... and - 6 would return - 7, - 8, - 9...
For Area Covered, it is a maximum value. The results will return tracks of every distance value between a positive, or negative, value and zero. e.g. Area Covered (m): 6 would return 5, 4, 3... and - 6 would return - 5, - 4, - 3..- Lost:
- Areas:
- Rules: you may select multiple rules to query at once.
- Person Rule
- Slow Vehicle Rule
- Reversing Vehicle Rule
- Debris Rule
- Stopped Vehicle Rule
- Radars:
- Analysis Status:
- Results: how many results the query has returned.
Related information
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