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This process is discussed as in part of the Quick Setup hereGuide: Adding Carriageways and Single Carriageways.


Editing a Carriageway

As usual when configuring an Entity, go to the the Config tab, select the desired entity - in this case a carriageway - then select Edit to go into the edit mode. However, unlike some of the other shape, space and area related entities;Creating and Editing Entities, carriageways have certain specific configuration processes.


The different functions of the points can be discerned by their colour:

  • Section Points: pink Pink.

  • Lane Points: yellow Yellow.

  • Nodal Points: green Green and blue.

  • Virtual Area Points: red Red.

To isolate specific points to make them easier to move, the Point Filter box has a drop-down of options:


To move the entire node (both nodal points), select Ctrl+Shift+Click+Drag over the blue node point.

VA points: These cannot move inside a carriageway, so a virtual (detection) area is always maintained inside the carriageway and the virtual area is intended to extend the track area outside the main carriageway.


The following video shows how to edit the points in a carriageway:


Adding and Removing Lanes

To Add a Lane

  1. When a Carriageway is selected, the Configuration Panel displays the Carriageway Settings.

  2. Select Edit to enter the edit mode.

  3. To add a lane, select the Add button:


  1. Image Added

  2. A new lane tab will appear. Name the lane to label the lane tab and on thePPI.

  3. Stipulate Reverse Direction to create a counter-flow traffic lane. 

  4. Select Save.

To Remove a Lane



This short video shows how to add a lane:


To Remove a Lane

  1. When a Carriageway is selected, the Configuration Panel displays the Carriageway Settings.

  2. Select Edit to enter the edit mode.

  3. In the Lanes section, select the tab of the unwanted Lane, then select the Delete button

  4. The lane will immediately be deleted.

  5. Select Save.


This short video shows how to remove a lane:


Lane Settings

You can edit the properties of each carriageway lane:


Adding and Removing Sections

To add a section

  1. Select the Carriageway, then select Edit to enter the edit mode.

  2. The editing points will now be visible. Section points are pink. Find a section point directly adjacent to where you want to add a section.

  3. Ctrl+Left Click on the section point. Another section point will appear to the right of the original point. Left Click+Drag this new section point to adjust the size of your new section.

  4. Select Save.


  1. Image Added

To remove a section

  1. Select the Carriageway, then select Edit to enter the edit mode.

  2. The editing points will now be visible. Section points are pink. Find the section point of the section you want to remove.

  3. Ctrl+Right Click on the Section Point. A new window will appear to confirm the deletion of the section. Select OK to continue.

  4. Select Save.


Here is a video showing how to add and then remove a section:


Section Settings

You can edit the properties of each carriageway section:


Queue Density Modifier (%): This value acts as a local (per section) multiplier of the queue density threshold value set as a global setting or as a per-carriageway setting. As such, a value of less than 100% means that the section will have a greater tendency to be flagged as queued, and a value of more than 100% means that the section will have a lesser tendency to be flagged as queued.

Selected Point


Index: The index of the selected point relative to other points on the carriageway (internal use only).

Point Type: the type of point Speed Limit (m/s): The Speed Limit enables us to calculate expected travel times when there is no traffic in the section.

Override Camera Stream URL: If this option is not selected the camera stream URL is automatically allocated to a section if the camera is looking at the section. If there are multiple cameras looking at a section, it will pick the closest. The URL that is allocated is the Camera Stream URL specified in the camera settings:

If Override Camera Stream URL is selected on a specific section the system will use the Camera Stream URL specified below.

Camera Stream URL: The URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the video feed from the camera.

Selected Point


Index: The index of the selected point relative to other points on the carriageway (internal use only).

Point Type: The type of point you have selected:

Top Point (Cyan): The top edge of the carriageway node.

Bottom Point (Green): The opposite edge of the carriageway node.

Lane Line (Yellow): Each lane has a movable point with each node.

Section Point (Magenta): The section point - each section has a single movable point.

Virtual Area Top Point (Red): The top point of the outer virtual detection area.

Virtual Area Bottom Point (Red): The opposite point of the outer virtual detection area.


Carriageway Configuration

The global settings and edits available for carriageways are explained here and :Carriageway Settings and on a User by User basis here basis here:Carriageway.

Carriageway settings available in the Configuration Panel once you have enabled Configuration Mode and selected the carriageway:


Carriageway ID: The carriageway's identification number.Name: The name of the carriagewayidentification number.

Name: The name of the carriageway.

Drive Side: This indicates the side of the road that the traffic travels along. For example, in the U.K. traffic travels on the left hand side.

Reverse Direction: Select this to toggle between left-hand and right-hand drivehand drive.

Speed Limit: The Speed Limit enables us to calculate expected travel times when there is no traffic in the carriageway or section. This field is not editable here. For information on how to edit this field please refer to Carriageway Profiles.

Origin Distance: This property sets how far away the start of the carriageway is from the highway's true origin.

We can calculate where a vehicle is along the whole of a highway, but to do that we need to know the distance from the origin of the highway to the start of the carriageway configured in ClearWay™. For example, many motorways originate from London; this is considered to be their origin. In Clearway™, however, the carriageway maybe configured to start in Reading. To know how far a vehicle on the carriageway was from the origin (e.g. London), then we would need to know the distance from London to the start of our carriageway in Reading, plus the distance of the vehicle along the carriageway.


the carriageway




Layer: The layer that the carriageway is placed on.

Hide: Select this to hide the carriageway (turn translucent).

Has ERAs: If this option is selected then the first lane will be reserved for drawing Emergency Refuge Areas.

Virtual Tracking Areas: Select to auto-create a tracking area based on the shape of this carriageway.

Virtual Debris Tracking Areas: Select to auto-create a debris tracking area based on the shape of this carriagewaythis carriageway.

Show Virtual Areas: Clearing this option will hide the Virtual Tracking Area on the PPI Map. It is selected by default.

Groups Restrict Tracking: Select this option if you want the selected groups of radar to only track on this carriageway. This will prevent radars from tracking on other carriageway carriageways even if they have line of sight.

Default Channel Index: Each radar has by two channels for tracking two directions of travel. Match this value to the appropriate radar channel. 


Carriageway Settings

Use Defaults: select Select this to use the Global Default Settings: Carriageway Settings. Otherwise you can apply your own carriageway specific options.


Show Section Labels: Select this for labels to appear on this carriageway's sections (by default green and numerical).

Enable Queue Logic: Select to enable queue recognition software for this carriageway. Once implemented, queues will be be flagged and display visually through an orange fill in the detection area. 

Maximum Speed for Queue: The maximum traffic speed for a queue to be recognised in this carriageway. Anything faster will not be defined as a queue.

Heavy Traffic Threshold: The speed at which traffic is considered heavy on this carriageway.

Slow Track Density for Queue (/100m): How many tracks, travelling slower than the maximum queue speed, over one hundred metres, are necessary to considered a section in queue in this carriageway. This calculation of traffic density, as well the average speed of the traffic measured against the maximum queue speed, combine to recognise and alert queues. 

Reset Count Down (s): The time necessary to pass, after the queue rule has been broken, without the queue rule being broken again for the queue alert to be lifted in this carriagewaydetection area. 

Maximum Speed for Queue: The maximum traffic speed for a queue to be recognised in this carriageway. Anything faster will not be defined as a queue.

Heavy Traffic Threshold: The speed at which traffic is considered heavy on this carriageway.

Slow Track Density for Queue (/100m): How many tracks, travelling slower than the maximum queue speed, over one hundred metres, are necessary to considered a section in queue in this carriageway. This calculation of traffic density, as well the average speed of the traffic measured against the maximum queue speed, combine to recognise and alert queues. 

Reset Count Down (s): The time necessary to pass, after the queue rule has been broken, without the queue rule being broken again for the queue alert to be lifted in this carriageway.

Queue Break Allowance: The value the rule break count must reach in order to implement the queue logic. In order to cause a break both maximum queue speed and track density must be satisfied.

Queue Break Count Increment: The step value the queue break count will increase by when the rules are broken.

Queue Break Decrement: The step value the queue break count will decrease by when the rules are not broken.

Enable Auto Queue: Select this is you wish to implement Auto Queue for this carriageway. The software extrapolates on existing queue data to estimate potential or unrecognised queues.

Auto Queue Detection Window: How many of this carriageway's sections within every window the Auto Queue studies e.g. 4.

Auto Queue Section Count: How many of this carriageway's sections have to be in an existing queue in order for the Auto Queue to assume the entire window is in queue e.g. 2.

Sensor Allocation Mode:

Nearest: Detects data from this carriageway's sections assigned to them by proximity (by default).

All in Range: Detect data from all this carriageway's sections within their range, sometimes resulting in overlap and double-data. 

Count All Sightings: Select this option if you require all sightings to be used for statistics calculation regardless of the sensor allocation setting. This setting does not apply to Traffic Analysis.

Default Tracking Parameters: The parameters by which this carriageway will detect traffic. A sample selection of detection parameters, including a (default) Default configuration, is available. You are able to configure your own under Tracking Parameters. The default tracking parameters available are:


Default Debris Parameters: The parameters by which this carriageway will detect debris. A sample selection of detection parameters, including a (default) Debris configuration, is available. You are able to configure your own under Tracking Parameters. The default debris detection parameters available are:


You can create custom debris and custom tracking parameters to suit your own environment or can change the default tracking parameters. We would always recommend you copy the default settings and change these, rather than change the original default settings.


Statistics Update Interval (s): The period of time between this carriageway's data updates, denoting how often an update occurs.

Statistics Storage Interval (s): The period of time between this carriageway's section data being transferred to the database, denoting how often a data transfer occurs. The data transferred is an aggregate of all the data collected within the time period of the Statistics Storage Interval.

Statistics Stale Timeout (s): The period of time in which no data is recorded from a particular section in this carriageway before it is ignored and not reported.

Statistics Minimum Seen (hits): The minimum number of times a vehicle must be seen before it is considered for section statistics. This provides a useful confidence level for each track, so that only longer lived tracks are counted and used to calculate average speeds.

Rule Update Interval (s): How often the radar checks for rules being broken in this carriageway.

Quiescence Timer (s): The period of time this carriageway must be detected and recorded as empty before it is officially reported as empty. Please see Carriageway Emptyempty. Please see Carriageway Empty below.

Queue Colour: The colour of the sections when in queue.

Carriageway Empty

When a carriageway is detected and reported as empty, (as a result of the settings of the Quiescence Timer being satisfied) the Empty flag will be shown in the Carriageway Stats for a selected section, as in the example below:


Carriageway Traffic Analysis

Please see Traffic Analysis Plugin for more information: Traffic Analysis Plugin.


Actions are specific operations that can be carried out in relation to a carriageway. There are four Actions that can be initiated when a carriageway is selected whilst in Configuration Mode.


Rules: Select to open the Rules window to configure the Rules for the selected carriageway. See the ClearWay™ Rules page for further detaildetails.

Profile: Select to open the Profile Editor window to configure the carriageway operating modes. See the Carriageway Profile pageProfiles for further detaildetails

Export to Layer: Select to export the carriageway outline as a new area to the Situational Awareness layer. Although the SA layer is selected by default, this outline area can be edited after it has been created and the layer can be changed.

Create POIs: Select to open the Create or Import Points of Interest wizard. See the POI page Points of Interest for further details.

There are two Actions that can only be initiated by first selecting Edit, and then the required Action:


Auto Section: Select to divide the carriageway into sections. See the Auto-Section page for further details.


Adjust Virtual Area: Select to open the Adjust Virtual Area window, and change the size of the detection area offset. The offset is the net area distance between the virtual detection area and the carriageway perimeter, and will always be a positive value, as the virtual detection area is always marginally larger than the carriageway. This is to account for a number of discrepancies; e.g. a margin of carriageway potting error, or detection at junctions adjoining the carriageway etc.


Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel in ( "nodes"carriageway" , "section" , "configuration" , "carriagewaystatistics" , "sectionsettings" ) and space = "TUN" and ancestor = "64159770"
