Data Visualisation Recording Tool

RadarDataDumper is a tool required for generating files to be used in the RadarDataVisualiser client user interface.

The RadarDataDumper can be used to generate files from an actual radar or from a CPR recording file.

CPR files are recordings of radar data captured using one of the tools; RadarView Lite or SPxServer.

Related information:

Command Line Options

Network Capture

Usage: RadarDataDumper.exe (For Network Capture) [-i ip address] [-p port] [-o output prefix] [-n numsamples] [-a numazimuths] [-d start delay secs] [-t time to dump] [-c short term time constant] [-l long term time constant] [-e optional encoder size]

File Replay Capture

Usage: RadarDataDumper.exe (For File Replay) [-s file] [-o output prefix] [-n numsamples] [-a numazimuths] [-t time to dump] [-d start delay secs] [-c short term time constant] [-l long term time constant]

Common Options

  • [-o output prefix] - Text to prefix dump files with

  • [-n numsamples] - Range in bins of radar / recording

  • [-a numazimuths] - Number of azimuths per rotation e.g CDR this 400

  • [-d start delay secs] - Delay before system will start recording data (default 10)

  • [-t time to dump] - Time in seconds to record, the recorder will dump the data once a second for -t seconds (default 120)

  • [-c short term time constant] - Short term clutter constant (default 0.85)

  • [-l long term time constant] - Long term clutter constant (default 0.995)

Network Capture Options

  • [-i ip address] - IP Address of radar (default

  • [-p port] - Radar data port (default 6317)

  • [-e optional encoder size] - This will default based on the radar port number, either 4096 for legacy or 5600 for newer, this should only be used if the radar is very old with 4000 count encoder

File Replay Capture Options

  • [-s file] - Cambridge Pixel CPR file

Example Output

Network Capture : Output Prefix : Results-1460102260102 Num Samples : 2000 Num Azimuths : 400 Capture Count : 120 Short Clutter Constant : 0.850000 Long Clutter Constant : 0.995000 Encoder Size : 5600
Please Wait [10]s For Data Collection To Start .......... Starting Snapshot Data Count [1/120] Starting Snapshot Data Count [2/120] Starting Snapshot Data Count [3/120] Starting Snapshot Data Count [4/120] Starting Snapshot Data Count [5/120] Starting Snapshot Data Count [6/120] Starting Snapshot Data Count [7/120] Starting Snapshot Data Count [8/120] Starting Snapshot Data Count [9/120] Starting Snapshot Data Count [10/120]

The recording tool utilises the SPx library and therefore requires the appropriate Microsoft Visual C++ runtime library installed on the PC you are using.

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