Levelling an I Series radar

Levelling an I Series radar

Levelling radar sensor

For optimum detection performance it is important that each sensor is level in relation to the area that it surveys. Level in this sense may not mean absolutely horizontal, generally the radar will be levelled so as to scan parallel to the boom they are to protect. The exaggerated examples below show how a sensor with an incorrect incline could miss targets which are lower down the slope:

On this page:

Horizontal radar sensor misses target B

Inclined radar sensor locates both targets 

A Digital Level as indicated in the figure below can be used to ensure the radar is installed level. This should be checked in two axes, on the radar lid, as shown below. The objective is to install the radar so that it scans in a plane which is parallel to the boom or structure which is being protected.


Adjusting radar

RadarOnce installed on the machine, fine adjustments of the radar level may be needed. These are best made with reference to the actual radar image, as viewed in RadaView test software.

SPx RadarView display (A)  


SPx RadarView display (B)

Using the RadarView application to view the radar data (see Using SPx RadarView) you are aiming to have an equal amount of data either side of the radar.


  1. If there is more radar data one side than the other, as shown in display (A), change the angle of the radar until you have an equal amount of data either side of the radar, as shown in display (B). Radar targets can be used as the test objects.

  2. If there is not enough radar image to view from objects/structures already within the radar line of sight, test targets can be used instead. Adjust the radar tilt of the radar on the threaded studs, to maximise the signal level on the 2 targets are determined from the RadarVew software.

                               Radar view to locate target


Securing the radar

  1. Secure the radar on the mounting bracket, or post plate. To do this: lock off the two lower nuts on each stud by tightening one against the other. (This is to ensure that, if the radar is removed, the tilt angle is not changed)

  2. Record the tilt angle from the digital inclinometer. See Radar configuration record & system diagram for a sample table.


Confirming sensor coverage



      1. Install and configure the Witness software.

      2. Enter basic detection areas into the Witness interface.

      3. Where possible, place test objects into the radar detection zone. Monitor these on the interface and confirm that detection alarms are raised.

      4. Refine the radar detection zones, based on the tests and save the settings.

      5. Disconnect the laptop from the radar and connect the radar to the infrastructure network switch.

      6. Repeat for each radar

Next: Using SPx RadarView - I Series Radar