This section explains how to access and login to the AdvanceGuard®Mobile Client.
Getting Started
1. Navigate to Topology > Integration Services:
2. The IP Address of the Mobile Server, and the Port Number of your system will be displayed, similar to the above example.
3. Open a web browser and enter the following with your system's Mobile Server IP Address and Port Number:
Logging into the AdvanceGuard® Mobile Client
User Name: The user name of the account.
Password: The password for the selected user account.
Remember: This option will automatically login the last logged on user without a password.
The Remember option is beneficial for Video Management Systems to save the user time logging in.
Related Information
Rules (Witness 4.0)
Breach Lines (Witness 4.0)
Entity Timeouts (Witness 4.0)
UI Recording (Witness 4.0)
AdvanceGuard® System Design (Witness 4.0)
AdvanceGuard® Alarm Panel (Witness 4.0)
AdvanceGuard® Configuration (Witness 4.0)
Track Correlation (Witness 4.0)
Quick Reports (Witness 4.0)
AdvanceGuard® Settings (Witness 4.0)