Changing Profiles
To find available profiles and change between different System Profiles:
- Go to System menu>Settings>System Settings>System Profiles.
- Available profiles are listed in the System Profiles table.
- In Edit mode, select a profile from the Current Profile Name dropdown, then select Save. The System profile has now changed.
Adding a New Profile
By default, there is only one System Profile: the Default Profile. This profile has no values, therefore no global delta change to the Tracking Parameters' Settings.
To add a new Profile:
- Go to System menu>Settings>System Settings>System Profiles.
- In Edit mode, select the Add Profile button .
- The Add System Profile window will open. Name and ID your profile. Select OK.
- The new Profile will appear in the System Profiles table. Currently, it will be as blank as a Default Profile, so you must next configure the Profile.
Configuringing a Tracking Parameter Profile
- Under the Config tab, select a Tracking Parameter in the Entity Tree.
- In The Configuration Panel, select Profiles.
- A new window, Tracking Parameter Profiles, will appear.
- If no Profile has as yet been added, the table will be empty, because the Default Profile does not appear, as it is locked from configuration. Default System Profiles values will always be 0.
- However, in this example, we have added a new Profile. Select the Profile in the table, then select New.
- The Tracking Parameter Profile delta options will appear. Input your global delta changes.
- For example, below, if New Profile is the Current Profile, then this Tracking Parameter named Security Debris will actually use these Settings:
- Plot Amplitude ATI: 2 pwr
- Plot Amplitude Track: 4 pwr
- Min Plot Azimuth Size: 1°
- Min Plot Range Size: 1 m
- Min Plot Weight ATI: 5 cells
Related information
ClearWay™ System Design (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 System Profile Command (Witness 4.0)
Exclusion Areas (Witness 4.0)
Detection Areas (Witness 4.0)
Live Tracks (Witness 4.0)
Creating a Detection Area (Witness 4.0)
AdvanceGuard® System Design (Witness 4.0)
System Design (Witness 4.0)
ClearWay™ Alarm Panel (Witness 4.0)
Database Configuration (Witness 4.0)
System Alarm Queries (Witness 4.0)
Configuration (Witness 4.0)
System Profiles (Witness 4.0)
Sea360® System Design (Witness 4.0)
ATI (Witness 4.0)