Example Highways Alarm Report
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <al:AlarmReport xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:al="ICDNAV001-AlarmReport" xmlns:cmn="ICDNAV001-CommonTypes"> <al:Alarm AlarmId="5" UniqueId="A5E6F74B-6ABA-4EE6-B5C1-C9FFFAF73B45" Description="A Highways Alarm" Priority="2" Reported="2012-04-03T22:05:02.112" Category="Rule" Severity="Warning" State="AlarmOn" Acknowledged="False" RuleId="1"> <al:Payload SectionId="1" LaneId="3" CarriagewayId="2" SubType="Stopped" CarriagewayName="M25-J" BreakingTrackDbId="{4431-445678AF-AFB212}" RadarUserId="1"> <cmn:Distance DistanceFromOrigin=”99758”/> <cmn:GeoData Latitude="33.860012" Longitude="-1.7891123"/> </al: Payload > </al:Alarm> </al: AlarmReport>
Example Security Alarm Report
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <al:AlarmReport xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:al="ICDNAV001-AlarmReport" xmlns:cmn="ICDNAV001-CommonTypes"> <al:Alarm AlarmId="5" UniqueId="1D8B49FB-C21D-4C48-8751-BC6B808194C2" Description="A Security Alarm" Priority="2" Reported="2019-04-03T22:05:02.112" Category="Rule" Severity="Threat" State="AlarmOn" Acknowledged="False" RuleId="3"> <al:Payload> <RelatedAreas> <Area Id="1" Name="Alarm Zone 1"/> <Area Id="3" Name="North Gate"/> </RelatedAreas> <cmn:GeoData Latitude="33.860012" Longitude="-1.7891123"/> </al: Payload > </al:Alarm> </al: AlarmReport>
Alarm Element
The alarm element represents a generic alarm, either incident or system health. In addition it can contain specialised alarm payloads which contain data specific to certain alarm types. Currently the only documented payload is for the Highways alarm which is covered below.
Optional attributes are formatted in italics and highlighted with an asterisk.
Attribute | Description | Type | Unit |
Reported | Time alarm was reported | DateTime | |
AlarmId | Unique numeric Id of the alarm. This Id is persisted in the systems storage to ensure the numbering continues incrementing even after restarts and resilient failovers. However in the event of a critical failure that requires a backup restore | Long | |
UniqueId* | GUID that represents each unique alarm instance. This is guaranteed to be unique even after system restores | String | |
Category | Alarm category – options are:
| AlarmCategoryList | |
Description | Description of the alarm – normally based on the alarm category or rule message | String | |
Severity | Severity of the alarm – options are:
| AlarmSeverityTypeList | |
State | Alarm state - options are:
| AlarmStateTypeList | |
Priority | Indicates the level of priority based on the users requirements | Integer | |
Acknowledged | Indicates if the alarm has been acknowledged | Boolean | |
RuleId* | The id of the rule to which this alarm is associated | Integer | |
AlarmKey | Unique key of alarm - this can be matched up with AlarmKey on the Camera Report | String |
Highways Source Payload
The highways alarm payload contains detailed information about the location of the alarm, both relative to the carriageway and real world coordinates.
Highways Source Payload Attributes
Attribute | Description | Type | Unit |
SubType | Highways Rule SubType – options are:
| RuleSubTypeList | |
SectionId | Section Id in which alarm happened (note : this is the user entered Id not the system Id) | Integer | |
LaneId | Lane Id in which alarm happened (note : this is the user entered Id not the system Id) | Integer | |
CarriagewayId | Carriageway Id in which alarm happened | Integer | |
CarriagewayName | Carriageway Name in which alarm happened | String | |
BreakingTrackDbId | Unique database Id of track breaking the rule | String (GUID) | |
RadarUserId | Radar User Id | Integer |
Distance Attributes
Attribute | Description | Type | Unit |
DistanceFromOrigin | Linear distance to centre of section in alarm from the carriageway origin | Integer | Metres |
GeoData Attributes
Attribute | Description | Type | Unit |
Latitude | WGS 84 Coordinate | String | Decimal Degrees |
Longitude | WGS 84 Coordinate | String | Decimal Degrees |
Security Source Payload
The security payload contains additional data related to a security alarm, including related entities such as areas and real world coordinates.
Related Areas Element
This element contains a list of related areas. These areas are connected to the alarm, typically they will be alarm zones with real time activity that has triggered an alarm.
Area Attributes
Attribute | Description | Type | Unit |
Id | User Id of the area related to the alarm | Integer | |
Name | The user configured name of the area | String |
GeoData Attributes
Attribute | Description | Type | Unit |
Latitude | WGS 84 Coordinate | String | Decimal Degrees |
Longitude | WGS 84 Coordinate | String | Decimal Degrees |
Related Information
ICD-001 Track Filter Command (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 Acknowledge Alarm Command (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 Request Status Command (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 Detection Command (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 Update Entity Command (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 System Profile Command (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 External Trigger Command (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 Plugin (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 Command Reply (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 Camera Command (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 Track Command (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 Tracker Command (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 Commands (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 Change Log (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 Classification Report (Witness 4.0)