When first connecting, ensure there is nothing else on the network that is using the same IP address. If necessary, connect a computer directly to the Ethernet port of the radar unit and access Vertex directly in order to change the IP address.
For further details:
See Linking a computer directly to the radar for details about connecting a computer locally to the radar sensor.
To Access the Vertex Interface
To access the Vertex interface please refer to these instructions: https://navtechradar.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PROD/pages/29294899/Vertex+User+Guide#Accessing-the-Radar-Interface.
You should now see the Vertex interface opening Status page:
For more information regarding the Status page please refer to: https://navtechradar.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PROD/pages/29294899/Vertex+User+Guide#Status-Page.
Using the Log Viewer
The radar stores a record of activities in order to assist diagnostics. Due to memory restrictions, newer entries will overwrite the oldest and so the log does not retain all historical information.
https://navtechradar.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PROD/pages/29294899/Vertex+User+Guide#Log-Viewer gives more information about using the Log Viewer.
Viewing Radar Data
https://navtechradar.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PROD/pages/29294899/Vertex+User+Guide#Radar-Data provides information about viewing the Radar Data.
Logging in to Vertex
In order to change any radar details, you first need to login to Vertex.
Please refer to https://navtechradar.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PROD/pages/2269872475/Login#User-Login-to-Vertex to login to Vertex.
Changing the IP Address(es)
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Once you are logged in it is then possible to change System Configuration details, such as the radar sensor’s own IP address, its Subnet Mask, the Gateway IP address and/or the NTP (Network Time Protocol - where the sensor should derive its time information) address. The System Configuration details are discussed here: https://navtechradar.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PROD/pages/2265514016/User+-+System+Configuration#System-Configuration.
To change these details please refer to the this documentation Changing The Configuration.
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If you changed the IP Address, you will need to use the new address to make contact once again with the sensor. |
Further Vertex Information
Additional information regarding Vertex can be viewed in the Vertex User Guide.