Data Points (any peaks above threshold values) are shown as red dots on the PPI.
Data Controls
Pause / Play
The live data on the PPI can be paused with the Pause button:
and resumed with the Play button.:
In pause mode you will be able to click on a Data Point which will display information on the Data Navigation Tab. Please refer to: https://navtechradar.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/IA/pages/2543026177/Configuration+Application+Navigation+Data#Navigation-Data for more information.
The Filter button gives you an option to only see Data Points within the Alarm Areas.
Range Lines
The Range Lines button allows you to toggle the range lines On or Off:
The Mirror button allows you to toggle to a mirror image of the radar data. This is useful if you wish to configure a radar which is upside down.
Normal (Mirror Off):
MirroredMirror On:
Mouse Coordinates
Your mouse’s position when hovering or clicking on the PPI is displayed in radar coordinates here.