You will need to uninstall, and then reinstall Witness.
During the reinstallation of Witness there will be the option of Integration Plugins:
You can click the + ➕ icon to view the dropdown list:
Or you can select them all or select / deselect individual plugins and then continue with the rest of the installation.
The plugin(s) should then be visible under Integration Configurations.
Camera System not Enabled
In ClearWay™, the Camera System is not enabled by default:
To enable it:
Navigate to Settings > Camera Settings.
Click on the Edit button and select the Camera System Enabled check box.
Click Save.
Camera not added to Controller
This setting can be changed in the UI Stream within User Settings - not Camera Settings.
You will need to check what the correct Stream Format is, as it will vary depending on the camera model.
Check that the radar has been allocated to the Track Engine:
Navigate to the Topology page and ensure that the radar has been allocated to a Track Engine like this example:
If the radar has not been allocated, drag and drop the radar into the Track Engine:
Check to see the Track Recording Mode:
If it has been set to None then there will be no track recording.
To enable this feature, click on Edit to open the drop-down menu:
Then select Incident or Save All and click Save:
Check to see if “localhost” or ”” has been used by checking the Management Server address setting when logging in:
If it has then the solution to this is to uninstall then reinstall the system software with the database accessed via its outward facing IP address:
Log back in to Witness and amend the Server IP address:
There are additional tasks to ensure that your system runs smoothly:
Check Topology; there may then be additional Track Engine, Management Server, Camera Controllers and Integration Services modules without an Address or any process values. These will need to be deleted.
Please visit this section for instructions: https://navtechradar.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TUN/pages/1636401445/Restoring+A+Backup+From+A+Different+System#Deleting-Unnecessary-Track-Engine-and-Modules.
There could be a typo or mistake in the Management Server Config file. Typically this happens as a result of an incorrect manual edit.
If the radar or cameras cannot connect to the Management Server, there could be several reasons why:
Check Windows Services and ensure that the Management Server service has started correctly:
External Interface
Maybe the Management Server is not listening to an External Interface.
The IP address of the radar is found in Witness>Topology>Track Engine> RadarEngine>Radar:
Next, go to Windows search and open a 'command prompt' (cmd).
In the command prompt type ping + radar IP address; e.g. ping
Press Enter. If the command prompt replies 4 times as in the picture below, then the network connection is good.
The IP address of the camera is found in Witness>Topology>Track Engine> Camera>Connection Engine>Camera>Connection Details:
Next, go to Windows search and open a 'command prompt' (cmd).
In the command prompt type ping + camera IP address; e.g. ping
Press Enter. If the command prompt replies 4 times as in the picture below, then the network connection is good.
When trying to identify an issue, it is worth checking all of the logs. Logs for different components are on the machines running them.
Therefore, the Tracker Server logs are on the on tracker PC, Management Server logs are on the management server machine etc.