These recommendations are provided as suggestions for best practice that should be applied in line with, yet subordinate to the H&S practices as stipulated by your organisation or premises where you are working.
In addition to the conditions detailed in this section the Site Safety Procedures for the location where the equipment is being installed must be complied with at all times.
Different sensor units weigh from 6Kg to 22Kg. Please ensure that safe lifting procedures are followed at all times (preferably by two people) in line with H&S practices as stipulated by your organisation or premises where you are working.
Radar Safe Working Practice
Different sensors emit different levels of power that could be harmful to the user. It is best practice to refer to the individual radar model specifications as reference to the safe operational working practices. Please contact Navtech customer support for information if required.
All users must ensure a safe area of operation for anyone who may potentially enter the hazardous zone they should clearly identify this area when the radar sensor is active.
Use of signage, barriers or hazard tape is recommended.
The design and manufacture of all equipment supplied as part of the Navtech Radar tracking and monitoring system for permanent installation is CE, UKCA and ACMA accredited:
European Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive
European Low Voltage Directive
European Radio Equipment Directive
A CE certificate and detailed directive information is available on request from Navtech Radar
Make sure that electrical supplies are properly isolated before removing any covers. The supply should be disconnected by the operation of the main isolating switch, removal of fuses or other acceptable method. A notice should be placed at the point of isolation showing:-
Place a barrier or guard rail round the work area.
When working on elevated equipment, make sure that all ladders and staging are secure. If necessary, wear a safety harness.
Be aware of any special hazards specific to the site or location where equipment is located. Take all necessary precautions.
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