Info |
NOTE: Radars are network intensive. Some laptops reduce the performance of their network connection when only running on their internal battery. |
The following are essential additional items that you need to install a radar sensor:
- Electrical Power
Electrical power (110 to 230vAC) sourced from, for example, local mains.
110 to 230vAC power is required for the Radar's 24vDC PSU.
110 to 230vAC power is also required for the Laptop Computer used during the commissioning process.
- Laptop computer
The laptop should have:
- Web Browser (IE v10 or higher, Chrome)
- RJ45 Ethernet connection.
- 9 pin Com port or USB to RS232 adapter [Optional]
- Software – SPxRadarViewLite-V1.59.3 or higher, with correct configuration file Web Browser (IE v10 or higher, Chrome)
- Cat5E shielded patch lead (or Cross over cable, if laptop doesn't have Auto-MDIX)
The minimum for one radar is:
- Bolt fixings pack (supplied with the radar) including:
- x8 off M8 bolts A4 Stainless Steel
- x4 off M8 spring washers A4 washers A4 Stainless Steel
- x4 off M8 plain washers A4 washers A4 Stainless Steel
- x1 M5 bolt, spring and plain washer for earth bolt
- x1 off Mount plate and mounting fixings (refer
- Refer to the Installation section to see
examples, this will depend on your mounting choice) - x1 M5 bolt
- a suggested example of a mounted plate. The type of mounting plate you chose should be determined by your specific application.
- If using the suggested mounting plate you will also nee x4 off M8x20 bolts and x4 off M8 spring washers.
- Suitable earthing cable to fit to M5 bolt hole
- Radar Power Supply cable (supplied with the radar)
- 5m tape measure
- A Digital Inclinometer (accurate to 0.1°)
- x2 off 25m² Radar Target (Navtech part number MBP0137)
- x2 off Tripod for mounting Radar Target (Optional, this requirement will vary depending on application)
- Pair of 2 way radios
- Adjustable spanners
- 4mm and 6mm Allen keys
- An assistant
- Radar Power Supply cable (supplied with Radar)
- A way of working safely at heightis recommended!
- Pair of 2 way radios