TCP Message Types
Message Name | Message IdID | Direction | Description |
Keep Alive | 1 | From Radar | An empty payload message to confirm client connection |
Configuration | 10 | From Radar | Sends all the radar configuration properties required to configure the client software to correctly receive data |
Configuration Request | 20 | To Radar | Requests a configuration message from the radar |
Start FFT Data | 21 | To Radar | Instructs the radar to start sending FFT data until told to stop |
Stop FFT Data | 22 | To Radar | Instructs the radar to stop sending FFT data |
Start Health Msgs | 23 | To Radar | Instructs the radar to start sending regular health messages until told to stop |
Stop Health Msgs | 24 | To Radar | Instructs the radar to stop sending health messages |
Reset RF Health | 25 | To Radar | Instructs the radar to reset RF Health check system |
FFT Data | 30 | From Radar | An azimuth of raw radar data |
High Precision FFT Data | 31 | From Radar | An azimuth of high precision radar data |
Health | 40 | From Radar | Sends a radar health status message |
Contour Update | 50 | To Radar | Enables the client to update the contour map on the radar |
Sector Blanking Update | 51 | To Radar | Updates the blanking sectors on the radar |
System Restart | 76 | To Radar | Request system reboot |
Logging Levels | 90 | To/From Radar | A list of logging levels - v2 Hardware only |
Logging Levels Request | 100 | To Radar | Request a list of logging levels - v2 Hardware only |
Start Nav Data | 120 | To Radar | Request system to start sending navigation data |
Stop Nav Data | 121 | To Radar | Request system to stop sending navigation data |
Set Nav Threshold | 122 | To Radar | Set navigation threshold |
Navigation Data | 123 | From Radar | Navigation data records |
Set Nav Range Gain and Offset | 124 | To Radar | Set navigation threshold |
Calibrate Accelerometer | 125 | To Radar | Radar will store current accelerometer value as float |
Start Accelerometer | 126 | To Radar | Start receiving accelerometer data |
Stop Accelerometer | 127 | To Radar | Stop receiving accelerometer data |
Accelerometer Data | 128 | From Radar | Accelerometer Data |
Navigation Alarm Data | 143 | From Radar | SafeGuard Lite Alarms |
Navigation Area Rules | 144 | To Radar | SafeGuard Lite Area Rules |
Navigation Configuration Request | 203 | To Radar | Request the current navigation configuration from the Radar |
Navigation Configuration | 204 | From Radar | The current navigation configuration |
Set Navigation Configuration | 205 | To Radar | Updates the Radar’s navigation configuration |
Request Navigation Area Rules | 206 | To Radar | Request the current Navigation Area Rules |
Request Time Server Status | 207 | To Radar | Request the current status of time server sources |
Time Server Status | 208 | From Radar | NTP and/or PTP time server status |
Start Radar | 209 | To Radar | Start radar rotation and transmitter |
Stop Radar | 210 | To Radar | Stop radar transmitter and rotation |
This payload will be variable length, the size being specified in the message header. The rest of this document describes the message types.
Keep Alive Message
Message | ID | Direction |
Keep alive | 1 | From radar |
Keep-alive messages are sent by the radar to monitor client connections. If a client connects to a radar, but does not request radar data (FFT, health messages, navigation data, etc.) the radar will send a keep-alive message every 5 seconds. Once a client requests any data from radar, the radar will stop sending keep-alive messages to that client. Similarly, should a client disable all radar data requests, the radar will resume sending keep-alive messages to the client.
The keep-alive message has no payload. Clients are not required to process, or respond to, keep-alive messages.
Configuration Message
Message | ID | Direction |
Configuration | 10 | From radar |
The configuration message contains all the relevant information a client application needs to process raw data from the radar. The message provides all critical data in fixed length fields at the beginning of the message. These values are the minimum required in order to successfully configure a client. These fields can be accessed using the normal process of decoding a byte stream coming across the network. The remainder of the message is made up from a variable length Protocol Buffer message which contains additional information about the radar, such as serial numbers and service dates. Advanced customer applications would be expected to decode this message data however the information is optional.
Configuration Request Message
Message | ID | Direction |
Configuration request | 20 | To radar |
This message contains no body / payload. The message is sent just as a header. On receiving this
message the radar will respond by sending a single configuration message.
Start FFT Data Request Message
Message | ID | Direction |
Start FFT Data | 21 | To radar |
This message contains no body / payload. The message is sent just as a header. On receiving this
message the radar will respond by starting the raw radar data stream.
Stop FFT Data Request Message
Message | ID | Direction |
Stop FFT Data | 22 | To radar |
This message contains no body / payload. The message is sent just as a header. On receiving this
message the radar will respond by stopping the raw radar data stream.
Start Health Message
Message | ID | Direction |
Start Health Messages | 23 | To radar |
This message contains no body / payload. The message is sent just as a header. On receiving this
message the radar will start sending regular health messages. By default the interval is every 5
Stop Health Message
Message | ID | Direction |
Stop Health Messages | 24 | To radar |
This message contains no body / payload. The message is sent just as a header. On receiving this
message the radar will stop sending regular health messages.
Reset RF Health Check System
Message | ID | Direction |
Reset RF Health | 25 | To radar |
This message contains no body / payload. The message is sent just as a header. On receiving this
message the radar will reset the long term health check system.
System Restart Message
Message | ID | Direction |
System Restart | 76 | To radar |
This message contains no body / payload. The message is sent just as a header. On receiving this
message the radar will reboot.
Start Navigation Data Message
Message | ID | Direction |
Start Nav Data | 120 | To radar |
This message contains no body / payload. The message is sent just as a header. On receiving this
message the radar will start sending navigation data messages.
Stop Navigation Data Message
Message | ID | Direction |
Stop Nav Data | 121 | To radar |
This message contains no body / payload. The message is sent just as a header. On receiving this
message the radar will stop sending navigation data messages.
Set Navigation Threshold
Message | ID | Direction |
Set Nav Threshold | 122 | To radar |
This message is used to set the threshold for the navigation system
Field | Type [Size] | Description |
Threshold | uint16_t [2] | Threshold to use for navigation data. This should be a value between 0 - 96.5 dB multiplied by 10 e.g 75.6dB is 756 |
Set Navigation Gain and Offset
Message | ID | Direction |
Set Nav Rage Gain and Offset | 124 | To radar |
This message is used to set a gain and offset that is used when by the onboard navigation system, this gain and offset are applied to the ranges found using the formula [(Target Range * Range Gain * Range Resolution) + Offset].
FFT/High Precision Data Message
Message | ID | Direction |
FFT Data | 30 | From radar |
High Precision FFT Data | 31 | From radar |
The FFT Data message contains all the necessary information to process the amplitude data for a specific azimuth. The packet consists of 4 fixed length fields and a variable length byte array of amplitude data. Each byte of amplitude data represents a range bin. The total number of reported range bins can varying per packet depending on the radar configuration. The size of this message body is specified by the payload size field in the header. The FTT Data length can be calculated by subtracting the fixed length field sizes from the overall payload size (i.e. Payload Size – 14 bytes). FFT Data messages need to be switched on before they are sent. Once activated, FFT Data messages will be sent continuously for each sampled azimuth. FFT data will continue to be sent until the radar receives a message to stop. Clients should honour this mechanism and, where possible, send the radar a stop message before disconnecting.
Info |
For HDR units this point is the line running from the rear hole to the middle hole of the three on the base of the radar: |
Navigation Data Message
Message | ID | Direction |
Navigation Data | 123 | From radar |
The Navigation Data message contains the targets found for an azimuth that were above the threshold. The packet consists of 3 fixed length fields and a variable length byte array containing target information. The size of this message body is specified by the payload size field in the header. The Navigation Pairs Data length can be calculated by subtracting the fixed length field sizes from the overall payload size (i.e. Payload Size – 10 bytes). Navigation Data messages need to be switched on before they are sent. Once activated, Navigation Data messages will be sent continuously for each sampled azimuth. Navigation data will continue to be sent until the radar receives a message to stop. Clients should honour this mechanism and, where possible, send the radar a stop message before disconnecting.
Field | Type [Size] | Description |
Range | uint32_t [4] | Range in metres multiplied by 1000000 |
Power | uint16_t [2] | Power of target dB multiplied by 10 e.g 75.6dB is 756 |
Health Message
Message | ID | Direction |
Health | 40 | From radar |
The health message includes critical health information about the radar. The payload consists of a number of health status structures, each one provides data on a specific metric, for example temperature, and includes details on the current measurement and whether the metric is within expected bounds or not. The health message payload is a Protocol Buffer serialised byte array. In order to de-serialise the message the client will need to use the Google library as described in reference [2]. Metrics may be added or changed within the content of the Protocol Buffer message. This would not result in a new protocol version for this message. Client applications consuming this message will need the latest Protobuf definition file from Navtech. These are available on request. Health messages need to be switched on before they are transmitted. Once active, health messages will be sent every 5 seconds. Messages will continue to be sent until the radar receives a message to stop. Clients should honour this mechanism and, where possible, send the radar a stop message before disconnecting.
Message Protocol Buffer
Field | Type [Size] | Description |
Die temperature | HealthInfo PB Message | Die temperature |
SOC temperature | HealthInfo PB Message | System On Chip temperature |
VCO temperature | HealthInfo PB Message | Voltage Controlled Oscillator temperature |
Ambient temperature | HealthInfo PB Message | Radar-measured ambient temperature |
Rotation | HealthInfo PB Message | Current speed |
Packet Rate | HealthInfo PB Message | Current packet rate |
RF Health Check | HealthInfo PB Message | RF health information |
Transmitting | bool | Transmitter enabled |
Expected rotation | uint32 | Expected radar rotation speed in mHz |
Expected packet rate | uint32 | Expected data output rate in packets/sec |
MAC address | string | Radar MAC address |
Encoder error count | int32 | Errors recorded from the radar rotary position encoder |
System uptime | float | Seconds since last reboot |
Motor Current | HealthInfo PB Message | Motor current draw |
Software uptime | uint64 | Seconds the firmware has been running |
Total uptime | uint64 | Cumulative time the system has been operating for |
Network state | NetworkInfo PB mesage | Network information |
Client limit | int32 | The maximum number of clients allowed |
IP clients | string | IP addresses of any currently-connected clients |
Expected RX packet rate | uint32 | Expected receive packet rate, based on current configuration, in packets/sec |
Uplink errors | uint32 | Internal link uplink error count |
Downlink errors | uint32 | Internal link downlink error count |
Uplink missed | uint32 | Internal link uplinks missed error count |
Downlink missed | uint32 | Internal link downlinks missed error count |
Running uptime | uint64 | Number of seconds the radar has been rotating |
HealthInfo Protocol Buffer
Field | Type [Size] | Description |
Minimum value | float | Lower bound |
Maximum value | float | Upper bound |
Value | float | Current value |
Status | Enumeration | Current health status - HEALTHY, WARNING, UNHEALTHY, UNKNOWN |
Warning allowance | int32 | The number of out-of-bounds samples before the health status transitions from HEALTHY to WARNING |
Unhealthy allowance | int32 | The number of out-of-bounds samples before the health status transitions from WARNING to UNHEALTHY |
Clear allowance | int32 | The number of in-bound samples before the health status returns to HEALTHY |
Field | Type [Size] | Description |
Network state | Enumeration | Current network state - UP, DOWN or UNKNOWN |
Duplex | Enumeration | Network duplex - HALF or FULL |
Speed | uint32 | Network speed |
Contour Update Message
Message | ID | Direction |
Contour Update | 50 | To radar |
The Contour Update message controls the contour mode and contour map. The contour map is held on the radar and provides a mechanism to restrict the radar detection area. The map consists of a variable range per degree (i.e. 360). When a contour map is active, data is sent out from the radar for each degree up to the range specified. If the range is zero then no data is sent for that bearing. If the contour map is disabled or in its default configuration then the full range of data is sent for every azimuth (i.e. all data). There is also a test mode which can be set on the radar – this activates a pre-configured map which exhibits a distinctive data pattern. To disable the contour map the client should send an empty update message (just header). This will leave the contour configuration intact but tell the radar to stop using it. Alternatively the client can send a full contour map, in other words a maximum range value for each azimuth. This will have the same effect. The contour map, once active, restricts the amount of data sent over the network. The more restrictive the contour map, the less data that is sent.
Log Levels Get/Set Messages
Message | ID | Direction |
Logging Levels Request | 100 | To radar |
Logging Levels | 90 | From radar |
The log levels get and set messages enable a user to get the logging levels and set the logging levels of the radar software. The LoggingLevelRequest message is an empty payload message, the radar will respond with a LoggingLevel message that contains a Protocol Buffer object which is a list of Log Levels. The get log levels payload is a Protocol Buffer serialised byte array. In order to de-serialise the message the client will need to use the Google library as described in reference: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/.
Calibrate Accelerometer Message
Message | ID | Direction |
Calibrate Accelerometer | 125 | To radar |
This message contains no body / payload. The message is sent just as a header. On receiving this
message the radar will start start the calibration process and store the values in the NVRAM.
Start Accelerometer Data Message
Message | ID | Direction |
Start Accelerometer | 126 | To radar |
This message contains no body / payload. The message is sent just as a header. On receiving this
message the radar will start sending accelerometer data messages.
Stop Accelerometer Data Message
Message | ID | Direction |
Stop Accelerometer | 127 | To radar |
This message contains no body / payload. The message is sent just as a header. On receiving this
message the radar will start sending accelerometer data messages.
Accelerometer Data Message
Message | ID | Direction |
Accelerometer Data | 128 | From radar |
This message contains the three angles representing the tilt of the radar, Θ (theta), Ψ (psi) and ɸ (phi).
Field | Type [Size] | Description |
Θ (theta) | float [4] | Angle around axis running perpendicular to zero/north - +ve Tilted Forward, -ve Tilted Backward |
Ψ (psi) | float [4] | Angle around axis running from base to stop of radome |
ɸ (phi) | float [4] | Angle around axis running through radar zero/north - +ve Tilted Right, -ve Tilted Left |
Navigation Alarm Data
Message | ID | Direction |
Navigation Alarm Data | 143 | From radar |
This messages contains the six alarm states of the SafeGuard Lite feature
Navigation Area Rules Get/Set Messages
Message | ID | Direction |
Request Navigation Area Rules | 206 | To radar |
Navigation Area Rules | 144 | From radar |
This message configures the SafeGuard Lite feature with up to six areas that can cause an alarm state if a target is detected above the area threshold inside the area.
A Navigation Rules Request message is an empty payload message sent to the Radar, to which the Radar responds by sending a Navigation Rules message. The client may sent an update of the Navigation Area Rules parameters by sending a Set Navigation Area Rules message.
Navigation Area Rules
Message Structure
A Navigation Area Rules message is a variable length message, consisting of one or more Navigation Area Rule structures.
Navigation Configuration Get/Set Messages
Message | ID | Direction |
Navigation Configuration Request | 203 | To radar |
Navigation Configuration | 204 | From radar |
Set Navigation Configuration | 205 | To radar |
The Navigation Configuration Get/Set message allows the client to request the current Navigation Configuration from the Radar, and provide an update to supersede the current configuration. This is only supported by NavOS radars running firmware version or later. A Navigation Configuration Request message is an empty payload message sent to the Radar, to which the Radar responds by sending a Navigation Configuration message. The client may sent an update of the Navigation Configuration parameters by sending a Set Navigation Configuration message.
Field | Type [Size] | Description |
Bins to operate on | uint16_t [2] | Defines the search window in bins for peak detection. |
Minimum bin | uint16_t [2] | The earliest bin for which peak detection will be enabled. |
Navigation Threshold | float [4] | The threshold level for target detection. This should be a value between 0 - 96.5 dB multiplied by 10 e.g 75.6dB is 756 |
Max Peaks Per Azimuth | uint32_t [4] | The maximum number of detection peaks that will be reported. Once the maximum number of peaks have been detected, further peaks will be ignored. |
Sector Blanking Message
Message | ID | Direction |
Sector Blanking Update | 51 | To radar |
A Sector Blanking message allows the client to update the set of blanking sectors for the Radar.
Time Source Status Get/Set messages
Message | ID | Direction |
Request Time Server Status | 207 | To radar |
Time Server Status | 208 | From radar |
The Time Source Status request message allows the client to query the current status of the NTP and/or PTP time source for the radar.
Field | Type [Size] | Description |
NTP enabled | bool [1] | Is the NTP service enabled (specifically, does the radar have its NTP remote address configured correctly) |
NTP synchronised | bool [1] | Is the time service on the radar synchronised with its time server |
NTP remote address | uint8_t[4] [4] | The address of the NTP remote. |
PTP enabled | bool [1] | Is the PTP service enabled |
PTP synchronised | bool [1] | Is the time service on the radar synchronised with its PTP server |
PTP remote address | uint8_t[4] [4] | The address of the PTP remote. If the PTP server is not enabled the IP address will be set to |
Time seconds | uint32_t [4] | The radar’s clock time at the point of request. |
Time nanoseconds | uint32_t [4] | The nanosecond component of the radar’s clock time. |
Start / Stop radar
Message | ID | Direction |
Start Radar | 209 | To radar |
Stop Radar | 210 | To radar |
The Stop Radar message will stop the radar motor and disable the radar’s transmitter (if enabled) and stop the radar from rotating.
The Start Radar message will start the radar rotating and enable the transmitter.
A change in the radar’s state using these messages will persist following a reboot or power-cycle. For example, if a rotating radar is stopped via a Stop Radar message, then rebooted or power-cycled, the radar will restart in the non-rotating state.
The default state of the radar (rotating) can be restored by performing a field reset on the radar.
Both the Start Radar and Stop Radar messages are zero-payload messages.