This section discusses the main aspects of the ClearWay™ Mobile Client display and how to navigate them.
Dashboard in the ClearWay™ Mobile Client.
Table of Contents | ||||||
This graph displays the average speed in m/s for each carriageway, at regular intervals during the selected period. Hovering your mouse over points along the graph will display a tooltip showing the time, carriageway, time and average speed at that point of the journey:
By default, this display covers 24 hours, but you can also select a period of 1, 48 or 72 hours by selecting the desired time period:
PPI Navigation Control
This allows the choice of a simple or full PPI Navigation Control by clicking on the two small arrows:
Full: The user can also navigate around the map using the pan arrows:
Simple: The user can navigate using the keyboard or mouse and return to the origin:
You can also use your mouse to zoom in and out, and Click+Drag to move the map.
Info |
Double-clicking on particular sections, radar, points of interest etc. on the map will synchronise with the Schematic to focus on that area. |
PPI Keyboard Shortcuts
↑ : Move PPI up
↓ : Move PPI down
← : Move PPI left
→ : Move PPI right
+ : Zoom into the PPI from the centre of the display
- : Zoom out of the PPI from centre of display
Map Style
Traffic Analysis: The top left icon is a toggle to show or hide Traffic Analysis icons on the areas and or sections which have been configured with Traffic Analysis on the carriageway. Please refer to Traffic Analysis Plugin for more information.
There are the following map styles:
Map: The default Google road map.
Satellite: The Google satellite map.
Terrain: The Google terrain map.
The example below is using the Google satellite map:
The map displays items overlaid upon it in a similar fashion to its counterpart PPI Map on the main ClearWay™ application:
Configured carriageways and sections
Elements within the ClearWay™ active layer such as radar and POI’s - see Layers
Representations of moving vehicles / targets
Stopped vehicles
Alarms will be displayed as they occur upon the relevant area of the map
In the example below, the Google Road map has been selected. The Live Alarms Panel shows 2 queues and 2 red alarm bell icons, the section of the traffic that has the second queue is highlighted orange:
Clicking on a radar will show the boundary of the radar range in pink and will open an info panel displaying the radar name and User ID as in the example below:
With the Traffic Analysis toggle disabled, the Traffic Analysis areas and sections will not be displayed:
Live Alarms
This panel displays the highway alarms which are currently active. These would typically be triggered in response to an incident that requires a response.
These can be sorted by clicking the Sort option within each list:
ID: The unique alarm ID.
Description: This displays the classification of the target, the carriageway, section and lane where the alarm was raised.
Created: The date and time the alarm was raised.
Acknowledged: This will show the date and time if the alarm has been acknowledged.
Actions: This will show any actions that can be taken. Clicking on the Locate icon will dynamically move the schematic to the display the affected section of the carriageway centre-screen:
Clicking on the Clear Alarm icon will open a Select Clear Time dialog to choose a clear time:
This will suppress the alarm for the period requested. It should reappear in the list after that time if it is still active.
System Alarms
This panel displays system alarms which are typically health and configuration alarms. These are only raised if a problem has been detected with the overall operation of the system.
These can be sorted by clicking the Sort option within each list:
Alarm ID: The unique alarm ID.
Description: This will list the effected radar, track engine etc with a description of the issue.
Created: The date and time the alarm was raised.
Actions: This will show any actions that can be taken. Clicking on the Clear Alarm icon will clear the alarm and remove it from the list.frame:
Related Information
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