To connect power and network
- Remove the protective cap from the Ethernet connector and attach the RJ45 plug. Ensure that the weatherproof shroud on the Ethernet connector is secure.
- Attach the 24V DC plug to the connector (by pushing it fully on and turning clockwise to lock).
- Attach a suitable earth cable to the earthing point (requires an M5 bolt).
- Ensure that the power and Ethernet cables are securely connected into a suitable junction box that has a suitable 24V DC power supply installed.
Note: The radar typically draws a continuous 800m A, but when the internal heater is active, this rises to approximately 2.2A. Ensure that the Power supply cabling is correctly terminated - see Appendix A. - Ensure that the junction box has an Ethernet cable/fibre optic running to the infrastructure network switch.
- When power is applied, ensure that the radar begins rotating - you can easily hear this, although it takes approximately 10 seconds for the radar to start rotating – in cold conditions this could be longer.
The Vertex interface
The CIR sensor has a built in web interface (known as Vertex) which provides default user level access to the radar- .
When first connecting, ensure there is nothing else on the network that is using the same IP address. If necessary, connect a computer directly to the Ethernet port of the radar unit and access Vertex directly in order to change the IP address.
CTS350-X wiring detail
The cabling requirements for the radar sensor are shown below.
IMPORTANT: The Ethernet protective cover must always be fitted if the Ethernet cable is not in place to ensure the integrity of the unit.
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