Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


In short - the above command removes a piece of code which is looking for something (renameat2 system call) that does not exist in kernels < 3.15


# Debian package build instructions for Navtech ROS2 SDK

## Install the protobuf compiler

Code Block
sudo apt install protobuf-compiler

## Install the build tools

Code Block
  sudo apt install python3-bloom python3-rosdep fakeroot debhelper dh-python
    rosdep init
    rosdep update

## Build and install the ROS packages

Code Block
cd iasdk/ros/ros2
colcon build
. install/setup.bash

## Create YAML to point towards custom ROS packages

Create a yaml file (in the workspace containing the packages, for example) specifying the local packages. Example of yaml content:

(Add an entry for all required packages)


ubuntu: [nav-messages]

## Create a file in the rosdep sources folder

Code Block
sudo nano /etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d/10-local.list

Add to this file the absolute path of the .yaml file created earlier. Example:

yaml file:///absolute_path_to_local_rosdep_file_list.yaml

## Update the ros dependencies

Code Block
rosdep update

## Check if the new rosdep packages lists are being correctly found using:

Code Block
rosdep resolve package_name

## Now build the debian packages

Code Block
cd ~/iasdk-public/ros/ros2/src/nav_messages
bloom-generate rosdebian --os-name ubuntu --ros-distro humble
cd ~/iasdk-public/ros/ros2/src/nav_messages/debian

Edit the file "control" and change package name from ros-humble-nav-messages to nav-messages

Code Block
run fakeroot debian/rules binary

This should build a .deb package called nav_messages, in iasdk-public/ros/ros2/src

cd to the next ros2 package root and repeat the above steps

# Install debian packages and check ROS can find them

Note - nav_messages package must be installed first, and nav_launch package must be installed after nav_camera and nav_radar.

This is due to packages being dependent on other pacakges

Code Block
sudo dpkg -i nav-messages_1.0.0-0jammy_amd64.deb

Repeat the above for all Navtech ROS packages that you require

## Check ROS can find an installed package

Code Block
ros2 pkg prefix nav_messages

The above should show the location of the installed package. Example: /opt/ros/humble