The health message includes critical health information about the radar. The payload consists of a number of health status structures, each one provides data on a specific metric, for example temperature, and includes details on the current measurement and whether the metric is within expected bounds or not. The health message payload is a Protocol Buffer serialised byte array. In order to de-serialise the message the client will need to use the Google library as described in reference [2]. Metrics may be added or changed within the content of the Protocol Buffer message. This would not result in a new protocol version for this message. Client applications consuming this message will need the latest Protobuf definition file from Navtech. These are available on request. Health messages need to be switched on before they are transmitted. Once active, health messages will be sent every 5 seconds. Messages will continue to be sent until the radar receives a message to stop. Clients should honour this mechanism and, where possible, send the radar a stop message before disconnecting.
Message Protocol Buffer
Field | Type [Size] | Description |
Die temperature | HealthInfo PB Message | Die temperature |
SOC temperature | HealthInfo PB Message | System On Chip temperature |
VCO temperature | HealthInfo PB Message | Voltage Controlled Oscillator temperature |
Ambient temperature | HealthInfo PB Message | Radar-measured ambient temperature |
Rotation | HealthInfo PB Message | Current speed |
Packet Rate | HealthInfo PB Message | Current packet rate |
RF Health Check | HealthInfo PB Message | RF health information |
Transmitting | bool | Transmitter enabled |
Expected rotation | uint32 | Expected radar rotation speed in mHz |
Expected packet rate | uint32 | Expected data output rate in packets/sec |
MAC address | string | Radar MAC address |
Encoder error count | int32 | Errors recorded from the radar rotary position encoder |
System uptime | float | Seconds since last reboot |
Motor Current | HealthInfo PB Message | Motor current draw |
Software uptime | uint64 | Seconds the firmware has been running |
Total uptime | uint64 | Cumulative time the system has been operating for |
Network state | NetworkInfo PB mesage | Network information |
Client limit | int32 | The maximum number of clients allowed |
IP clients | string | IP addresses of any currently-connected clients |
Expected RX packet rate | uint32 | Expected receive packet rate, based on current configuration, in packets/sec |
Uplink errors | uint32 | Internal link uplink error count |
Downlink errors | uint32 | Internal link downlink error count |
Uplink missed | uint32 | Internal link uplinks missed error count |
Downlink missed | uint32 | Internal link downlinks missed error count |
Running uptime | uint64 | Number of seconds the radar has been rotating |
HealthInfo Protocol Buffer
Field | Type [Size] | Description |
Minimum value | float | Lower bound |
Maximum value | float | Upper bound |
Value | float | Current value |
Status | Enumeration | Current health status - HEALTHY, WARNING, UNHEALTHY, UNKNOWN |
Warning allowance | int32 | The number of out-of-bounds samples before the health status transitions from HEALTHY to WARNING |
Unhealthy allowance | int32 | The number of out-of-bounds samples before the health status transitions from WARNING to UNHEALTHY |
Clear allowance | int32 | The number of in-bound samples before the health status returns to HEALTHY |
Field | Type [Size] | Description |
Network state | Enumeration | Current network state - UP, DOWN or UNKNOWN |
Duplex | Enumeration | Network duplex - HALF or FULL |
Speed | uint32 | Network speed |
A Navigation Rules Request message is an empty payload message sent to the Radar, to which the Radar responds by sending a Navigation Rules message. The client may sent an update of the Navigation Area Rules parameters by sending a Set Navigation Area Rules message.
Navigation Area Rules
Message Structure
A Navigation Area Rules message is a variable length message, consisting of one or more Navigation Area Rule structures.