Message Name | Message Id | Direction | Description |
Keep Alive | 1 | From Radar | An empty payload message to confirm client connection |
Configuration | 10 | From Radar | Sends all the radar configuration properties required to configure the client software to correctly receive data |
Configuration Request | 20 | To Radar | Requests a configuration message from the radar |
Start FFT Data | 21 | To Radar | Instructs the radar to start sending FFT data until told to stop |
Stop FFT Data | 22 | To Radar | Instructs the radar to stop sending FFT data |
Start Health Msgs | 23 | To Radar | Instructs the radar to start sending regular health messages until told to stop |
Stop Health Msgs | 24 | To Radar | Instructs the radar to stop sending health messages |
Reset RF Health | 25 | To Radar | Instructs the radar to reset RF Health check system |
FFT Data | 30 | From Radar | An azimuth of raw radar data |
High Precision FFT Data | 31 | From Radar | An azimuth of high precision radar data |
Health | 40 | From Radar | Sends a radar health status message |
Contour Update | 50 | To Radar | Enables the client to update the contour map on the radar |
Sector Blanking Update | 51 | To Radar | Updates the blanking sectors on the radar |
System Restart | 76 | To Radar | Request system reboot |
Logging Levels | 90 | To/From Radar | A list of logging levels - v2 Hardware only |
Logging Levels Request | 100 | To Radar | Request a list of logging levels - v2 Hardware only |
Start Nav Data | 120 | To Radar | Request system to start sending navigation data |
Stop Nav Data | 121 | To Radar | Request system to stop sending navigation data |
Set Nav Threshold | 122 | To Radar | Set navigation threshold |
Navigation Data | 123 | From Radar | Navigation data records |
Set Nav Range Gain and Offset | 124 | To Radar | Set navigation threshold |
Calibrate Accelerometer | 125 | To Radar | Radar will store current accelerometer value as flatfloat |
Start Accelerometer | 126 | To Radar | Start receiving accelerometer data |
Stop Accelerometer | 127 | To Radar | Stop receiving accelerometer data |
Accelerometer Data | 128 | From Radar | Accelerometer Data |
Navigation Alarm Data | 143 | From Radar | SafeGuard Lite Alarms |
Navigation Area Rules | 144 | To Radar | SafeGuard Lite Area Rules |
Navigation Configuration Request | 203 | To Radar | Request the current navigation configuration from the Radar |
Navigation Configuration | 204 | From Radar | The current navigation configuration |
Set Navigation Configuration | 205 | To Radar | Updates the Radar’s navigation configuration |
Request Time Server Status | 207 | To Radar | Request the current status of time server sources |
Time Server Status | 208 | From Radar | NTP and/or PTP time server status |
The 16 byte signature differs very slightly from the older Navtech RMB protocol. This does enable existing software to differentiate between the two protocols if required.