Min. Sightings: The minimum number of sightings a track requires before it is recorded as a track. Toggle the 🛇, ≤ and ≥ buttons to define the value.
Min. Speed: The minimum speed value, either a maximum, minimum or equal to value. Toggle the 🛇, ≤, ≥, =, ≠, ⪥, and <> buttons to define the value.
Max. Speed: The maximum speed value, either a maximum, minimum or equal to value. Toggle the 🛇, ≤, ≥, =, ≠, ⪥, and <> buttons to define the value.
Classification Filter: Enables you to filter by one or more track classification types. Just click the required types to highlight them or deselect all to remove the filter. Classification options are:
Range: Distance of sighting from the radar. This option has a sliding scale, which will adjust the graphs accordingly.
Add Truth Data
Clicking on the Add Track button will open an Add Truth Data panel.
This is used within the ML (Machine Learning) Classification feature which uses the first 10 sightings of a track in order to identify the classification of that track.
First Sighting: Sets the first sighting to be used for the truth data. This allows you to ignore the first part of the track if its not useful to be included as part of the truth data.
Note |
We recommend using only a few good examples for the Truth Data, and a balanced number of each classification type, as having too many of one classification type can bias the system. |
This query searches through the Automatic Track Initiation data, ATI, which concerns how tracks are acquired. The results display the start point of the tracks pathways - the point at which tracks are first detected, within the time period and record limitations. The ATI points are displayed as coloured squares. The variables are decided by the following categories: