Direction: The direction of the tracks in that section, in degrees.
Queue State: This will show if there is a queue in that section, or not.
Travel Time (s): This is the average time that targets take to travel through the section. If there are no tracks in the section, then this will show a travel time of 0 unless a Speed Limit has been configured, and it will use this value instead. Please refer to Carriageway Profiles for more information.
Vehicle (s): This is the average time that vehicles take to travel through the section.
Large Vehicle (s): This is the average time that large vehicles take to travel through the section.
Current Coverage: This is the actual radar coverage for the section, pending a healthy radar connection.
Coverage Status: This indicates if the coverage status is healthy (green) or unhealthy (red).
Statistics Status: This indicates if the statistics status is healthy (green) or unhealthy (red).
Track Count: A graph to display the track count in that section over time.
Average Speed: A graph to show the average speed of tracks in that section over time.