
This page deals with the ICD-001 Track Command.


Example Track Command

<!-- MsgId is the unique id of the message being sent -->
<!-- Unique Id must match the Id of the target track -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TrackCommand xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="ICDNAV001-TrackCommand" MsgId="1"
    MsgTimeStamp="2013-03-01T23:32:11.6298253+00:00" UniqueId="03b48a2d-1709-4617-af18-12b5bce40c68"> 
  <Payload xsi:type="TrackCommandPayloadUpdate" Severity="3" Tag="" UpdateMode="1" Flags="0" />
  <!-- The sender element is optional -->
  <Sender SenderId="XFSControlSuite:1" NetworkAddress="" NetworkPort="5079" />

Track Command Element

The Track Command can be used to update specific properties on a live track. This command can only be used whilst a target is being tracked.

The command must be used with the appropriate payload to apply the required settings.

Track Command Attributes






Unique message Id


This must be globally unique across all message types 


Date and time that the message was sent



Unique Id of the target track

String (Guid)

Must match the Id of the track which needs updating 

Payload Element

The payload carries data specific to a command. Each command that requires a payload is detailed in this document and each of the payload elements is included within the appropriate XSD.

Network Sender Element

Each incoming message can include an optional Sender element. This must include the IP address and port that the client is using to send instructions.

If the Sender element is included the NetworkAddress value will be checked against the subscriber IP address and the command rejected if they do not match.

In addition the Sender element is included in the Command Reply. This is a duplicate of the incoming details (i.e. the subscribers IP address and port). The subscriber can use this to verify that they authored the message.

Update Payload

This command can be used by external systems to change the following fields:

Update Payload Attributes

Optional attributes are formatted in italics and highlighted with an asterisk.






Flag field which indicates properties to updates: 

1 - Severity

2 - Tag

4 - Flag


This is a flag field so you can update a single property or a combination of 2 or more. For example a value of 3 will update Severity and the Tag.



Severity of the track threat level: 

0 - Unknown

1 - Friend

2 - Warning

3 - Threat



A user-definable name / identifier for the track



A flag field which can be used to change the behaviour of a track. 

2 - KeepFollowing



Currently the only useful flag for external use is the option KeepFollowing.

You only need to set the attributes required to be used, as indicated by the UpdateMode flags. For example to set a track to a friend with a tag of “Patrol Vehicle” you would set the following attributes: 

  • UpdateMode:  3                       [Set Severity & Tag]

  • Severity:          1                        [Friend]

  • Tag:                 “Patrol Vehicle”          

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